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how do i replace a light switch?

the dimmer switch broke and im replacing with regular switch,,,all the U tube videos have 3 wires,,,2 black and a white [some also have a green/ box has 2 wires,,,a black and a white,,,im gona just put them on...anything i should know LOL call me sparky

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    nope you cant do it wrong just put a wire on either of the screw and your done.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago for you start sticking screw-drivers and tools in an open switch box...make sure you've shut off the power supply to that box... turn the cirtut breaker off or un-screw the fuse that controls that particular power line to the broken switch... "or" might find yourself "lighting-up" !

    Free advise from "Moe, Larry and Curly" electricians, Inc. "Hey Moe...why is my nose on fire"...?

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