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My Kenmore refrigerator has a humming noise coming from the door where it dispenses water and ice.?

The hum is coming from the door where it dispenses water and ice and NOT from the icemaker inside the freezer. Everything works fine; makes ice, dispenses water, etc. It is loud and annoying

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's a motor or solenoid that opens the flapper door for when you dispense ice directly through the door - sounds like the flapper, or maybe the auger if yours is the kind that has the icemaker directly in the door, is stuck on and making the humming noise. To get around it, you could disconnect the icemaker temporarily and that would make the humming stop.

    Yes, that means you wouldn't have your automatic icemaker until you can get it fixed. But for decades before icemakers, people used ice trays and seemed to get along okay that way.

  • 4 years ago

    A form variety may well be very efficient right here. yet in any case in the journey that your i.m. isn't making ice, sure it truly is a kinked waterline, and specific it truly is a frozen waterline. My question for you is, does your referidgerator have water besides as ice? i'm assuming so, it would additionally be a clogged line, yet in addition examine the water valve. The water valve has the water line inlet and outlet. it truly is placed interior the backtrack below. to locate it, save on with the copper, Poly or chrome metallic waterline from the wall to the lower back of the refrigerator. The water valve is with regard to the size of the palm of an grownup's hand. in line with threat 5 to eight inches. There are 2 wires plugged into it. you may desire to unplug the valve and close the water off to the refrigerator and eliminate the two water lines going to it. pay interest the place the inlet and outlet lines are placed you do no longer desire to opposite them once you place them lower back on. the two wires do no longer count, you may plug them in reversed order and it won't harm the valve. yet i might recomend changing the valve (40 two-50 money) and the examine your waterline to the refrigerator to make beneficial the water is flowing. earlier you replace the valve nevertheless, i might unplug the refrigerator for twenty-four hours and positioned all your nutrients in an decision refrigerator or coolers, if the isn't available use a hair dryer to defrost the lines in the event that they are frozen, if all else fails, purchase a clean ice maker, they are frequently under a hundred and fifty money. sturdy luck

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