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Seems like Jehovah's Witnesses have a good thing going. Why have we all not heard about this?


It is sad to see how prejudice could hold someone back from learning about health benefits that could help them.

Update 2:

Witnesses are out of the hospitals faster then those who use blood with less complications. This means less return to hosp. which save again.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The blood issue is the most misunderstood thing about us. Further, look at all of the lives that have been saved "because" of being a JW. People give up drugs, overdrinking, cigarettes, etc. I'm sure many of the people pointing fingers at us have some of these bad habits. More lives have been saved "from" refusing transfusions. And even if a person dies during bloodless surgery who knows that it was "because" of the surgery. Maybe they would have died during surgery with blood.

  • Yeap, there are articles like this all over the globe. Putting prejudice asside, many would be able to benefit so much from all these procedures being developed. Its almost like rejecting technology simply becasue it was developed for a specific group in mind. That is prejudice that is only affecting those who are not JW and are in serious need of good healthcare to save their lives.

    It just shows how far religious hatred can go on some people. Their hate blinds them even when it is to their advantage and to the advantage of their loved ones to listen and learn and benefit from what they learn. It is a shame...


    If you would like to know more about this and other themes, next time Jehovah's Witness come to your door, ask them for a free Bible study at your convenience. You will never regret all the knowledge you will acquire and remember that what you do with that knowledge is your choice.

    Knowledge + Application = Wisdom

    Source(s): the Bible
  • mom
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I know a spiritual brother who had a triple by pass several years ago without the use of blood and he is doing great. even before I was a Jehovah Witness, I was take of blood. I would never put someones blood into my body. how many people died because they took of blood. last week I heard on the news that red cross is complaining they are low on blood

    Source(s): proud to be a Jehovah Witness
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Most people simply focus on the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transplants for religious reasons. There's precious little positive information as to the benefits of not taking blood because not taking blood products costs less for the consumer and hospitals lose money.

    Source(s): ijs
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  • 9 years ago

    Rational Gunther...................Where do you come up with Drs. spending more time with JW's because we don't take transfusions and less with others? We seek out Drs. who are well versed in bloodless medicine and utilize them. People who have transfusions take more time as they have to be monitored for reaction and other complications arising from transfusions. Get your facts straight.

    Messenger for Truth.............what complications arise from not taking blood? If the MD is good he will make sure IV fluids are administered correctly to keep veins and arteries open, in case of a blood loss incident and take care to not promote more blood loss during a surgery. Complications can be abundant with transfusions.

    Even the military is on the bloodless surgery boat.

    Ma Dukes............Blood is free to hospitals but they charge dramatically for set up, type and cross match, and administration for each unit administered. There are more dangers in transfusions than advantages. Do your homework.

    Deborah....... 'The Weepers, The Naggers', p62-65 in the Family Happiness Book. You need to look again as your statement is grossly wrong. Pages 62, 63 are the last two pages of "Train your child from Infancy" and pages 64,65 are the first two pages of "Help your Teenager to Thrive." Your answer lacks accuracy. Better to be informed than show your ignorance.

    Source(s): Retired nurse of 40 yrs. JW for 30+
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Maybe that is why when JEHOVAH commanded to abstain from blood in the NT for Christians, it says at the end of the verse, "good health to you" . Jehovah know what is good for us and what is bad.

    See:Blood Transfusions—How Safe?

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, I posted a similar article:

    I have to laugh at the comment that JWs get better care, so naturally we are healthier, firstly ... good! Secondly, it seems comical to me, the party line has been "Jehovah's Witness kill ourselves and our children with out medical decisions" and when the hard facts shows we are actually better off and recover faster and have decidely lower mortality rates .. its well, "Ah well of course you do because of yada yada yada... "

    Which is it? Are we killing ourselves or are we living longer and recovering faster? That old square peg just refuses to bashed into the round hole.

    Note: Fox is not the only agency that has picked up this story

  • Lizzy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Surprisingly this is causing a bit of an uproar. I'm glad to know that my brothers & sisters who face surgeries like this can rest assured they can maintain their faith and have successful results ^_^

  • 9 years ago

    Great article.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Greetings Jehovah’s Witness, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    I confess that Lord Jesus Christ is my Saviour and that the Bible is the word of God.

    As Christians, we know that Lord Jesus wants us to abide in pure truth which sets us free as opposed to doctrines of demons and men’s imaginations which were designed to keep us in spiritual oppression and slavery. The Holy Spirit is here and very active on the earth as our Helper and He reveals the mysteries of the Biblical Scriptures to us all. We need to read for ourselves, ask the Holy Spirit and listen to His teaching.

    The Holy Spirit is moving mightily during these last days, baptizing many with fire and empowering us with His much needed gifts for the edification of the Church. Only at the end of the Church Age will the gifts be discontinued (because at that time the Church will be perfected)… but during this time He is generously distributing them to Christians who are willing to work for God’s glory and as a Spirit-filled Christian I bear witness to this.

    Some individuals like to predict the date of the Second Coming of Christ. For example, Charles T. Russell who established the Watchtower organization predicted that Christ would restore paradise by 1914 then shifted the date to 1915 and moved it again to 1918. The date was changed yet again to 1925 by Russell’s successor J. Rutherford. The Bible strictly warns us about false prophets (Mat 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1, Deut 18:20).

    The founders of Jehovah's Witnesses were not only false prophets. They were also quite racist, preached racist doctrine, and enforced racist policies. Both Russell and Rutherford taught that black skin was a sign of the Biblical curse on Cain, blacks were inferior to whites and blacks were divinely ordained to be servants and slaves. In the early 20th century blacks were banned from preaching work (The Golden Age, July 24, 1929, Zion's Watch Tower 07/15 1902, Zion's Watch Tower 02/15 1904, Zion's Watch Tower 03/15 1900)!

    As Christians it is VITAL to teach the correct identity and nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. If one preaches a different Jesus then they preach a different gospel and if they do not repent and preach the truth, they are destined for the Lake of Fire (Galatians 1:8).

    Let’s look objectively at what the Bible teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ and see whether the Holy Trinity is scriptural or not. There is only one God (Isa 43:10-11; 44:6,8; 45:21-22; 46:9; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20-21). The Father (Jehovah) is God (1 Peter 1:2; Philippians 2:11), the Lord Jesus Christ is God (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:7-8; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 28:25-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17). These Scriptures give crystal clear evidence of God’s tri-unity.

    Almighty God was always triune (one God in three persons, not three gods). God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Lord Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, each serving a function. Jesus was not created - He always existed as part of God. Neither was the Holy Spirit created. Human beings and angels were created. The Lord Jesus was made flesh (in the Immaculate Conception) by God, so He (Jesus) could make the sacrifice for our sins. When Jesus was made flesh, He put aside His divine nature and humbled Himself as a servant (Philippians 2:5-11). During that time, the Father was in a greater position but position does not denote an inferior nature. We call Jesus of Nazareth the Only Son of God because God was His Father and not a human being. Jesus is God, Jesus is the Son of God and He is called the Holy One of God.

    The Lord Jesus is eternal and uncreated (Isaiah 9:6; Hebrews 7:3; Micah 5:2, John 1:1-3; 8:58; Colossians 1:15-19), He retained His deity while becoming a man (Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:19;2:9; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:3-8), He is equal in nature to God the Father (John 5:18; John 19:7) and He receives the same worship as God the Father (John 5:23; Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 5:11-14; John 14:14).

    On pages 216-217 of the 1939 Watchtower book Salvation, the Society claimed that the Holy Spirit had been taken away in the year 1918. Another totally unbiblical claim is that only a chosen 144,000 persons who were living between Pentecost (c. AD 30) and 1935 will live in Heaven forever. The Watchtower states that only these are parties to the New Covenant and have the Lord Jesus Christ as their mediator.

    The Bible teaches that ALL BELIEVERS will live together in the New Heaven and New Earth. When believers in Christ die they go immediately into Christ’s presence (Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:21-24). ALL BELIEVERS FROM ALL AGES will be resurrected with immortal bodies like Christ’s (Romans 8:11, 1Corinthians 15:42-54; Philippians 3:21) and live together in the New Heaven and New Earth (Matthew 5:5; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1). ALL BELIEVERS IN CHRIST will reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). ALL OF THE REDEEMED will see God and Christ (Matthew 5:8; 1 John 3:2; Revelation 21:3-4). ALL BELIEVERS are in the New Covenant with Christ as their mediator (1 Timothy 2:5-6). ALL WHO HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR AND LORD are already born again (1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 5:1) and are children of God (Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 4:4-6; John 1:12-13) and ALL BAPTIZED BELIEVERS are part of the church, the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13).

    If you carefully read the Book of Revelation, you will see that the 144,000 of chapters 7 and 14 are sealed Jewish believers who will evangelize during the Tribulation. Email me ( for a copy of the Sequence of End-Time Events in Bible Prophecy.

    The leaders of the Watchtower organization demand that you use only their Bible (the New World Translation) in which the word of God has been carefully altered to suit their beliefs and frankly, their agenda. In studying the Bible I use KJV and YLT Bibles as they are closest to the original Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible. Ask any Bible scholar or do the research for yourself in regards to the deliberate alterations of the original Bible text in the NWT.

    On the topic of blood transfusions and organ transplants, these life-saving procedures are not even close to the eating of blood or cannibalism since the organs and blood in these cases are neither digested nor metabolized.

    The Watchtower also teaches that Christians should not take part in the systems of the world but this is not what the Bible teaches. Prominent Bible characters who were militarily and politically active are Daniel and his colleagues, the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, the centurion in Matthew 8, Cornelius in Acts 10 and Erastus in Romans 16.

    As Christians we must go to God through the Lord Jesus Christ our ultimate High Priest (Hebrews 6:20; 7:24) and not through any created being or organization. The Lord Jesus Christ wants you to be living a liberated and victorious life in Him. He does not want you to be under a wicked and deceitful organization that has on several occasions reversed itself on a number of doctrines and threaten to shun you if you use your God-given mind and dare do the right thing.

    With Love in Christ,

    Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ

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