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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Interested in learning more about Ron Paul?

One of my good friends is a Ron Paul supporter. I've heard some of his views and quite frankly, some of them I get and some of them... well, I think he's a bumbling fool. The thing is, I have a friend who supports him and I periodically question my friendship with this person b/c I often get disgusted by some of the things that come out of her mouth. She left her fiance who was struggling to make ends meet for a rich engineer and suddenly she has a brand new car, nice house, goes on a ton of vacations and she's become this heartless person with some absurd views. She tries to claim she always had the same views she has now, but she didn't. Therefore, my views about Ron Paul have automatically been negative due to her support for him. So, I'm here asking for more information on him to have an open mind as all I've heard/read have, of course, been spun by his supporters or haters. I'm looking for real facts, but simply typing in google is not going to give me that.

What I've heard...

Back to the gold standard - what will this REALLY mean? What effects will it have? It sounds sugary and sweet to control debt, but is it truly realistic for today's society?

No government regulation and total free market - Is this true? How will we protect workers from having decent wages to live off of or not having corporations continue to outsource? What about ensuring they don't completely destroy our environment even further than it already is?

Elimination of federal agencies such as Commerce, HUD, Education, Health and Human Services, Energy, etc. He also wants to severely cut the CIA, Food and Drug, EPA, Disease Control, Homeland Security, etc.

He wants to significantly lower taxes. Phase out social security.

Basically, I hear that he takes the constitution very literally, at least how he interprets the constitution. He wants to bring us back to what our founding fathers envisioned. Again, I don't know in depth what all his ideals entail, but just scratching the surface makes me scratch my head... We are NOT in the 1700's. We simply can't realistically do things the same way things were done back then. It's not realistic. A lot of the agencies he wants to eliminate or severely cut - how will we be protected if another country wants to attack us? What about our food? How will that be regulated to ensure we don't get sick? And what about education? It's already in shambles and needs a serious reform, but privatizing would be disastrous. I feel like it would be the wild west. Does he want to also privatize fire fighters, postal service and police officers?

I hear all these things about Ron Paul, but I don't hear anything about our place in the world except that we should stay out of it. Does he not address how far behind we are in education compared to other countries and how incredibly detrimental that is to our society, causing a horrific domino effect? Is this a moot point to him and his supporters? I'm not sure I get the "big picture" when it comes to him beyond CONSTITUTION and FOUNDING FATHERS.

Bottom line for me is: How will people acquire the proverbial "American Dream" in this society? If everything is privatized and for profit, costs for everything are going to be out of control and people will not be able to attain basics such as a quality education, a decent-paying job, quality healthcare, a safe place to live when it comes to environmental and personal safety, etc. What about infrastructure? How will the middle class look in this scenario? Back in the 1700's, they were farmers, merchants, etc. but today's society doesn't lend itself to that.


I understand he has a website. I specifically said I want facts and not just fluff from supporters or haters. Obviously, if I seek information from his own website, I will be getting everything spun his way with unicorns and butterflies.

Update 2:

Haha, I'm intrigued. If he is your epitome of what a person should be, what is that? What has he done that is so amazing?

Update 3:

Ok, I don't disagree with taking more of a defensive stance rather than offensive. Just as you said, I'll have to do more of my own research on the federal reserve, but if a private bank is screwing us and making very few of their fat cats rich, isn't that what privatizing will do with everything? My list of questions are still not being directly answered which I've noticed is what my friend does as well to avoid answering. She just voices the same fluff about his ideals and how the government is stealing her (her husband's) money that they (he) rightfully earned. Call me crazy, but paying taxes for things like infrastructure, firefighters, police officers, education, a safe environment, safe foods to eat.... I think that's money well spent. If all those things were defederalized, I fear what private companies would charge us individually for their profit. Also, small business owners are not going to suddenly be able to thrive just because the government won'

10 Answers

  • matt h
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you must first understand the federal reserve before trying to figure out why closing it down is a good thing. do your own research and you'll find its what causes inflation - ending it will stop inflation , and we as a country can start to build our savings again.

    the federal reserve is a PRIVATE bank that charges OUR government interest to create EVERY DOLLAR in existence. that is what causes inflation, which devalues our savings while making the handful of federal reserve owners VERY rich.

    his views are that the government is too big, and people will spend their own money better than the government can spend it for them... which makes perfect sense to me

    he wants to stop the wars all over the globe and bring our troops home, and be a national DEFENSE instead of offense for a change (saving the country billions)

    the middle class has shrank almost out of existence under our current structure of corporations and workers with nothing in between, government regulations keep the little guy from competing because there are too many hoops to jump through to open a new business, giving the existing companies a huge advantage - allowing them to grow bigger and bigger

    if you think about it, there is very little you or i can do without the federal government telling you how to do it, or taxing you for it.... freedom went out the window a long time ago, Ron Paul wants to give us back our freeedoms

    100 years ago we paid an average of 3% taxes and had virtually no debt, now we pay on average 40% and debt is out of control, AND we were much much safer without our military stirring up trouble everywhere

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It would take hours to try and explain Ron Paul, but for starters your friend is by no means a typical Ron Paul supporter.

    The first thing you should know is that Ron Paul stands for a smaller less intrusive federal government. He would like to reduce the power and expense of the federal government, but more importantly he is very protective of the Bill of Rights and the freedoms and liberties Americans should have as outlined in the US Constitution. While serving in the House of Representatives Ron Paul stood up to party pressure and voted against both Iraq wars, the Patriot Act, and spoke out against the NDAA.. Ron Paul is not supportive of US military intervention or sacrificing freedoms in the name of national security. He is also critical of the FED, which is a privately owned bank. Instead of printing debt free American money our government has been borrowing banknotes at interest from the FED since 1913. The interest expense on the national debt for FY2011 was over $454 Billion dollars. This a a major burden on the taxpayers. In fact the IRS was signed into law in 1913 (the same year the FED was) largely to insure that the FED could collect the interest on money it lent to the federal government. The last President to try issuing money through the US Treasury instead of borrowing banknotes from the FED at interest was JFK.

    I think you would benefit from researching Ron Paul on the internet. There are some very good reasons Ron Paul takes the positions he does, and he is far from crazy. He is just up against some very powerful people who would have their plans derailed and their golden geese stop laying if Ron Paul became President.

    Edit; Firefighters, police officers, education, safe foods to eat, and safe environment are primarily the domain of State, County and Municipal governments. The federal government is not and should not be in charge of everything. Their track record is dismal, and elected federal officials have a long history of awarding contracts to their buddies in the private sector. Operating from the assumption that the federal government is on the up and up is a mistake. The US Government is the home of massive corruption. Very little happens on Capitol Hill that doesn't make a lot of money for somebody.

  • 9 years ago

    Since he is a bumbling fool, how much more have you accomplished in your life than him? Where will you be when you are his age? Climbing mountains? I have observed his life and find him the epitome of what a person ought to be.

  • 9 years ago

    Don't go by what you've "heard".

    Go straight to the source and then decide.

    Here's a source. If you really want to be objective, which by your question I am sure you do, sample his own words and decide for yourself.


    Source(s): "What we need is more freedom. Freedom is the simple ability of people to live their lives as they see fit, without government coercion, provided they do not initiate force or fraud against others. What we really need is a less coercive government, not more revenues. Washington needs to stop seeing itself as a growth industry and realize that the true function of government is to protect liberty." -- RP
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  • 9 years ago

    Ron Paul can get in line with Lydon LaRouche, John Birch, Barry Goldwater, and all the other perennial cranks, and fade into obscurity.

    he can sure fire up an already paranoid and nearsighted crowd , that's for sure.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He has a website. Look there.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ron Paul is out, your friend is apparently an idiot and what Paul thinks means nothing., Have a nice night.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Entertaining whack-job who has been running on "Term-Limits" since 1986.....hates Government except for jobs for his kid and family, now I hear that his wife wants to be an Ambassador.....I know enough, thanks anyway..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    he is old, crazy, a loser ans an anarchist

  • 9 years ago


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