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Will God Punish me ?!? :(?

Okay so this week I've doing somethings that are I think sinful(not like murder and big sin) okay fine i'll tell you , please don't laugh or leave rude comments please!!! But I have masterbated a lot this week. Please don't make fun of me or laugh at me. I looked at porn one time (which I haven't don't alot Ina long time at my friends house) I'm traveling to New York, By myself, and I told myself, not promising GOD, that I didn't or want too masterbating this week . And I don't even try stopping cause I want too masterbating, I can't beat the cravings :,( . It's a sin to masterbate I think. I'm a Christian btw. Soo PLEASE PLEASE can someone tell me if I'm gonna get punished by God, lIke If God Gonna punish me by making the plane crashing and me dying ! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I want ask for forgiveness , but I feel like God Gonna Ignore me cause I did this. I feel like imma die when I go on the plane. Please can someone that is religious a little or believes in God Alot Say What Should I Do and is gonna punish me like that. Or am I being paranoid from all of this ?????!!!!!! I don't feel like going anymore cause I think Ima die on the plane!!!!:( SORRY THAT THIS IS LONG ! ANSWER BACK ASAP .! 10 points thaanks :'(

19 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey Buddy

    Let's clear something up real fast. God is not going to punish you. He loves you just as much as He did the minute before you started masterbating as He does as I'm answering your questions. Yes masterbation may not be something you likes to see you do and it may be a sin but He is a compassionate and patient God.

    Your masterbation is not something new to Him. If we did a poll of men (and the answered honestly) you would find the vast majority have done it. In our teens we go through a lot of changes and thats when our hormones really get reved up. We feel it and we what to satisfy the urge. We both know it feels good.

    In God's eyes it is what is described the love of the flesh. We want to satisfy our human desires.

    He would rather you focus your attention on something else but He understands the age you are at and so its important to know He is patient. He wants you to grow through these stages of life and learn the difference between good and bad. You know it is seen as a sin so you are half way there.

    The best thing to do is talk to Him. Let Him know you are sorry, that is hard for you to stop and you need His help. Then know that you are forgiven. You will still struggle but it will pass. If you get the urge go kcik a ball around outside, go for a walk or what ever. each time you step away from whatever sin you are struggling with the easier it will be to overcome it.

    Ppl make the mistake that God is an II'm gonna get ya" kind of God. He wants you to have the best life possible and as you lean on Him instead of on natural feelings you will see that He does indeed care about you and the things you are dealing with. How much does He care. Enough that He sent His son to die for us. Not just me but for you and everyone else.

    Lastly God does not kill people. The devil does (often by using other people to do it. The bible says the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. God says you have the choice between blessing and cursing

    (good and evil/life and death) so choose life. If giives the choice to us but He wants you to choose life (His kind of life which is full of good things like peace, health, friends etc.). By choosing life He can bless you with all the good things He wants you to have.

    So Alex, please relax. God isn't standing there with a big stick ready to wack your brains out. If anything He is standing there with His arms open waiting to give you a hug of encouragement and understand wrapped in the fullness of love.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Does God Punish You

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Does God Punish Us

  • 9 years ago

    Don't be afraid. God isn't out to get you. He isn't gonna send the plane crashing to the ground. Go to God, it is safe. It is ok. Jesus took the punishment for you already. Just tell God you sinned and as soon as you do, He will forgive you.

    I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    I Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

    Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    God loves you more than you can ever imagine. It will be ok. He isn't this big mean vicious psycho in the sky no matter how much the Atheists want to believe it.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's all God's doing — if, of course, you believe in an omniscient, interfering creator with a grand plan and a specific interest in our little Earth. Out here on the edge of the 400-billion-star Milky Way — just one of an estimated 100-billion-plus galaxies in our 14-billion-year-old universe — a God's special concern for the individual can seem preposterous. Yet the idea of God remains imperative to many people seeking meaning in their lives. Despite a fractious history, science and theology now have a closer alignment: some highly respected physicists and cosmologists, have proposed in recent years that the universe is rigorously lawful, to the degree that it seems purpose-built to produce life. the universe is not the plaything of a capricious deity, but "a coherent, rational, elegant and harmonious expression of a deep and purposeful meaning". While entirely different to "intelligent design" is asking precisely the same questions as theology: why are we here and why is the universe the way it is? The "theory of everything" that scientists are working towards to explain the laws of the universe is basically a type of God concept — and much bigger than the childish image of a punishing old man with a flowing white beard firing lightning bolts from "His" fingers. Satan, too, remains a going concern as God's counterpoint — but mainly in being co-opted by world leaders to represent the less-than-human Enemy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Will God punishes itself like it punishes me

  • 9 years ago

    I'm quite thankful that God doesn't crash a plane every time a Christian sins. I won't even deal with the question of whether or not what you did is sin--because you believe it is, it is--according to Scripture. But you do not get deliverance from sin by reproaching yourself, pleading, begging, etc. You get deliverance by surrendering yourself to the Spirit of God and his power in you.

    If you have given your life to Christ and have accepted salvation through his shed blood, then you have the Holy Spirit living in you. He is your secret weapon--your power source, and you have everything you need to live a Holy Life right with you at all times. The fact that you are having trouble resisting sin and then torturing yourself with thoughts of punishment demonstrates that you need to know your Bible and your God better. Seek God through Bible study and prayer and keep surrendering to him and asking for the power of the Holy Spirit to give you victory over sin. The victory is already yours if you only recognize that fact. You need to bring your life into alignment with what God says is true about you--you will need to know your Bible well in order to see that come to pass.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Firstly, god isn't real. Secondly, why would he not want you to masturbate? It feels good. Why would he make you have cravings for something that will make him burn you for eternity if you commit. Maybe he has some erectile dysfunction and is just jealous that we get all the pleasure, haha. Your religion is wrong for making you so scared to do something simple that doesn't harm anything or anyone. Masturbation is NATURAL. EVERYBODY does it. I guess that means EVERYBODY's going to hell if you are. If it's even in the bible that you shouldn't masturbate, I'll bet you ANYTHING the person who wrote that section masturbated. Don't be afraid. If God is really going to punish you for something so simple then he's a ******* prick. I'm an atheist, I masturbate almost every day, I've had sex with two different people and I'm not even 17, I'm bisexual, and I've done plenty more that is considered a sin. Am I dead? Nope. I'm alive and healthy and completely happy with life. If there's a God, why would he punish you over me, somebody who's committed much more "sins"? In fact, why would he waste his time smiting one person out of billions that masturbate over a child molester or serial killer? You'll be fine.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    For the Ransom to even be effective and legal, someone other than God would have to be the ransomer. That Someone had to have free will and the capability to sin. The test of keeping integrity to God could only be accomplished by someone other than God, someone perfect who could have failed....Like Adam,a creation of God,....or else it would be not be legal or fair for that matter. God would NOT stack the deck by putting himself in that position ( even as a man). God can't sin so He can't be tested. The simple fact that the ransom sacrifice WAS legal and fair means that Jesus is NOT God but a totally separate being able to make his own choices for good or bad. Your question really brings out the insanity of the trinity. God can't die, nor can part of him, so if Jesus didn't truly die (because he was part God) than all of this is for nothing. Craziness.

  • 8 years ago

    Please don't listen to those who say God does not exist. It is wonderful that you are sensitive to wanting to be close to him and please him. When you seek his will for your life, is when you will be truly satisfied. It sounds like you are on the right track to realize and be sensitive to where you know you are going wrong, and to seek God to help you do the right instead. I do not believe God would crash the plane to punish you for what you did. A lot of us struggle with these same desires, but I can tell you from experience and being single for many years, that the more I open myself up to God, by seeking his will, praying, reading the Bible, meeting with other Christians at Celebrate Recovery, going to church, ect., I become so focused on him, and his ways make me feel so much better, that I don't want to do anything that makes my spirit feel bad and far from him. When you make mistakes, just immediately ask forgiveness, and keep trying to walk with him. It may take awhile with his help to overcome such things. He is patient with each one of us, in such matters. He understands. Love in Christ, Lisa

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