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Do you think people should be allowed to keep having kids?

Just a question so please don't get all pissed off. Do you think people should be allowed to keep having more kids if they don't have the means to take care of them? My childhood friends has 3 kids. Her youngest is 6 months and she currently 3 months prego. Shes only 22 years old. Her only income is welfare and the oldest kids dad doesn't pay child support and the father of her other 2 and her unborn doesn't work or pay child support. He used to pimp women... Yes I said pimp them. He had 2 cars and lives with his mom. He never gave her any money or provided her with a ride anywhere. She would always ask me to take her places. Yet she told me she loved him since they were young and so long as he wants to come around she wants to be with him. When she told me she was pregnant again I didn't know what to say. I was kind of annoyed because she had just been evicted for the 3rd time from her apartment and she has no one to help her financially. I asked her what her plans were and I know she's had 3 abortions and that's a lot so I didn't wanna ask her if she was going to have one. She's currently staying with another friend and her child in a one bedroom apartment. I had told her she should consider getting her tubes tied after this baby is born. She flat out said no because she's not done! Wtf I can't help but feel a little pissed off that she's subjecting her kids to this lifestyle. Her oldest one is in and out of school and has already been held back because he had too many problems during kindergarten. She also took the second one out of school because kids were making fun of him because of his hair(he's half black). I find that really hard to believe since I live in a city with a lot of African Americans. I tried telling her that she could go to this tech school that will help her get her Ged and train her for something like medical assisting. They wouldn't even charge her anything because she's low income and she said she doesn't want to do that. I do feel bad for her because I know she's had a really ****** up life. She never really had a mother because she was ****** crazy. Her dad was never really there either and when he had lived with her in one of her apartments he was on ankle monitor and is HIV positive. I'm trying to motivate her to go to school or something because of the fact she's on aid the county will help her ALOT. I don't know why but a lot of the girls I know who recieve help from the government don't do anything even though there are so many programs to help them. I'm not saying all but there are many. I can't help but feel the father of her children and sometimes bf should be the one helping her since I have my own responsibilities and life. I just pray her kids go back to school and make a better life for themselves or else it's just going to be another vicious cycle.

I don't have anything against those who receive welfare that actually need it. Like those who have lost their bread winners or are out of the job. However, I feel like this is why many people don't like them and that her while situation could have been avoided had she used birth control that was offered to her after everytime she had a kid.

Sorry for rambling!

Do you think people should be allowed to keep bringing these children into the world when they cannot take care of them and don't try to do so?

PLEASE PEOPLE DO NOT GET MAD! It's merely a question and it only had to do with certain circumstances and not pointed towards everyone.


Umm actually Dads House she isn't targeting any guy to get pregnant and he could wear protection. How could she be "targeting" him if he never had a job when she met him and was never going to be able to support their kids in the first place. He has two other kids with two other women. This is as much his fault as it is hers so please get out of here with that BS

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i WISH so bad that once a woman has a child they would have to be evaluated on whether they would have the means for another child or not and if determined no they should be required to get on birth control for a period of time.

    It is too bad that it is against human rights and all that though, it would help welfare so much.

  • 9 years ago

    I think that people shouldn't keep having kids when they cannot support them. However, once you say that people shouldn't be ALLOWED to, this begs the question: how will this rule be enforced? Will you just take kids away from poor parents? What about a middle-class family that has a critical illness or loss of employment: should someone take away those kids too? Should we have mandatory abortions if someone is pregnant, is below the poverty line? Forced sterilizations?

    Once you start getting into saying who deserves to have kids and who doesn't, you start going down a dark path.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    lmao I asked my mom this question not to long ago she said that: 1. poor people have no means of good entertainment because they can't afford going to the movies or toys & stuff so they have sex, lots of it which explains why they have kids early 2. its an investment in the long run because then you have more kids to work & take care of you when they get of age & for welfare She said this is how it was in the old days, but I kinda believe it even though now a days if a boy is on a good kill streak in COD on the 360/ps3 he would pass up sex but if you don't have a game system you know you want that sex lol

  • 9 years ago

    No one should have the right to limit anyone else's family size. That is a personal decision and one where people deciding who should be able and who shouldn't be able to have babies should not be allowed.

    Where I think the permissiveness needs to end is with the dollar. I think the burden to qualify for welfare needs to be much higher and stricter than it is.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    oh gosh that's sad... I don't know if there's anything you can do. You can't force them to stop living how they want.. however you can persuade them to take better care of the children, move to a better area, get a better job, better home life for the kids, etc. It's hard to be friends with someone who rejects your advise. Hope it gets better for them and you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is a problem today. Women, including teen girls, are targeting males for the sole purpose of getting pregnant, simply because they want a child, or another child, without regard for the future.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    challenging step look on over the search engines just that can assist

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Unfortunately there is no way we can stop them.

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