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What do you think of clergy obliging a divorced person in remarrying?

Is this action sanctioned by the Heavenly Father?

I was just wondering what others thought about clergy complying with divorcees remarrying after the Lord Yahushua said; "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery : and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery" (Luke 16:18).

I have wondered if the Matthew 19:9 Scripture might have something to do with the sanctioning of divorce by clergy . . . hmmm?

"And I say unto you , Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for FORNICATION, and shall marry another, committeth adultery : and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery" (Matthew 19:9).

[Fornication and Adultery are not the same thing - Fornication is sex without the benefit of marriage and adultery is one or both parties in a sexual relationship are married to another.]

Romans 7:2-3 tells us that a married woman is bound by the law to her husband so long as she lives, but if her husband dies then she is free to marry another man.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and ADULTERERS God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4).

So what's your take on this situation?

Serious answers please.

Thank You.


*Donald* obviously you have missed that a man and a woman that are married are no longer two individuals, but have been soldered or spliced into "one" and NO man can put asunder what He has brought together.

No, divorce is not the unforgivable sin that would be to blasphemy the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29).

But what some seem to forget or simply do not put into thought is that although the Lord Yahushua died for our sins and we are forgiven by His Father, the key element is to REPENT of the sin, that is the only way to be FORGIVEN for them.

If a divorced person remains married to one other than the original spouse, that person has Not repented of his/her sin and therefore is Not forgiven of it.

"And she said, No man, Lord. And Yahushua said, Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth SIN NO MORE [Repent of thy sin]" (John 8:11).

Question: Would this woman be forgiven if she continued in her sin? Uh, the answer is no!

Update 2:

e. w. there is no judgment from me. I am simply stating from Scripture and asking what one thinks about my question. Yes, you, me, them are all free to choose what we will and your choice is your own I do not judge you for it.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    In the original and true Christian Church, no clergyman would ever officiate at a "marriage" of a divorced person. Such a person is not eligible to marry, since they are still married to their original spouse. The exception would be a case where the original marriage was just a civil matter, in which case it can be dissolved by a civil court. But a sacramental marriage between two Christian cannot be dissolved by anything or anyone on Earth, except the death of one of the spouses, as the marriage vows plainly state. Civil authorities do not have the power to "unbaptize" someone, or to "unordain" a clergyman, so why would they have the authority to "unmarry" a couple married before God in a sacrament of the Church?

    Source(s): Catholic deacon
  • 9 years ago

    People will do what they will. The churches are afraid of losing all the cash so they just go with the flow. I was astonished years ago when I read a study about how few clerics are religious. They feel that the position of pastor will give them access to communities that would not seek help outside their place of worship.

  • The Rules on that are clear..... and not followed in most congregation claiming the title of Christian today

    IF the divorce was between two who were not of The True Church at the time... and one, or both, later came to God.... then the divorce would not prohibit either of them from marrying later in The True Church...

    in a marriage where neither were with God at the time of the marriage.... and one later comes to God.... that one is committed to the marriage... so long as the other will accept that the one is of God..... but... it the other does not accept and seeks a divorce.. then the one of God is free to remarry within The True Church.... but should not seek a mate outside of the Church....

    One of The True Church should only seek marriage(or date)only within The True Church..... ones married in The Church are committed for life.... if one later seeks divorce, by law,,, and it is granted.... the other would be free to remarry.........

    if two are married in The True Church... and one seeks divorce and it is granted by law,,, and wishes to remain in the True Church.... that one can NOT remarry in The True Church.... but the other who was divorced by, would be allowed to remarry in The True Church

    there are numerous complications... too many to go into on YA...... but The Word is The Guide for those of The True Church.....

    Source(s): The Truth
  • 9 years ago

    Divorce is what opened the door to the many other evils that

    are considered, okay, in the 'modern' society.

    Cept these thess same things were acceptable in pagan times.

    The sins are exactly the same they just call them 'modern' now.

    There is no new sins. just repackaged old ones.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    divorce and annulment are valid under the pauline privilege , and only then is a remarriage valid .

    domestic violence.

    forcibly married

    mental problems hidden by one spouse

    refusing to allow one spouse to take part in their own religion .

    non consummation of the marriage

    are just some of the causes where one can go through the above, there are probably more

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    The Divine marriage is Uber Alles

  • e w
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't allow the primitive writings of men long dead, and their prejudices to control my life and dictate to me how to conduct my sex life, either.

    "Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again." --- Robert A. Heinlein.

    If you want to live by all of those above quotes, go right ahead, but don't try to impose your prejudices and your idea of morality on others.

    Isn't judging others supposed to be forbidden in Christianity?

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