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If a commercial airplane "lost" it's pilots mid-flight, do you think the passengers could fly it?

I've always wondered if I'd be able to fly the plane, if for some reason, the pilots where gone and the other passengers were not an option.

How difficult?


let's assume the plane is stable and flying en route to its destination, which is hours ahead.. so I'd have time to figure a few things out.

Update 2:

I don't really watch movies that involve plane crashes. They're never realistic and I have an engineer and a pilot in my family to point the fakeness out to me.. so it's always ruined.

Update 3:

guys, this is hypothetical. meaning, ofcourse the crew and passengers aren't going to be "lost" but assuming they do become lost, the person in the situation to pilot the plane would know immediately that the pilots where no longer there. I'm not suggesting anything except they are no longer around and the passenger does know about it.

Update 4:

also relying on "auto-pilot" as the single problem solve seems a little too optimistic. Conditions have to be right and, as for landing, it's only used about 5% of the time and has to be on a qualified runway. soo we cannot assume here, that everything's going to line up and the passenger will just press a button and be on their way. no.

That's kinda missing the point of my question.. everyone got way too carried away with the auto-pilot crap. I wanted to know about PILOTING a plane.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it's easy to fly but landing is the part that you will die if you don't know what you are doing cuz you will crash

    Check out the video in link below

    The mythbuster are seeing if they can land a plain with no idea

  • Djman
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It could be that a person could be guided to land a plane. For the simple fact that it is better than crashing. It is not the same flying a commercial airliner and a smaller plane. The guy or girl flying it has to have nerves of steel.

  • 9 years ago

    Well the most qualified should fly the plane because you now have every single passengers life in their hands . But I think either a flight attendant would take charge or in your case if you would have to fly the plane air control would tell you what to do & guide you through to land the plane as safely and as soon as possible.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    All commercials airlines today have a 2 press button that automatically takes control of the plane all the way through landing, that the flight attendants know how to use in case both pilots become unable.

    Source(s): facts
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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Nearly all commercial airlines can be flown and landed by radio control from ground control (think flight simulator), or by the pre-programmed auto-pilot. These movies from the '70's where passengers or flight attendants have to fly would never become a reality today. If the flight crew were disabled, chances are the passengers would never know.

    Today's commercial pilots (while still highly trained, and very competent) are in those seats to take over in the event of computer or hardware failure, and to make adjustments to navigation while in-flight. According to my friend (who is a commercial pilot), he and the co-pilot "actively" fly the aircraft for mere minutes... and for efficiency, the airlines would prefer them to utilize the auto-pilot under "normal flight".

    Take-off and landing the plane is 95% of their active participation (his words), but he has assured me that if necessary, most commercial aircraft (jumbo jets all the way to tiny regional jets) are capable of being landed by auto-pilot, or ground control remote (much like flying a simulator).

    Where your problems would occur would be DURING the final moments of actual decent, where the auto-pilot is disengaged. If pilots were landing "manually" and were to become incapacitated at that point, there may not be time to take control from the ground, or for anyone to enter the flight deck to engage the auto-pilot (or abort the decent).

    You said you had a family member that is a pilot, you should already know this... the info is not confidential... Someone else mentioned the episode of MythBuster's where they received instruction to land a (simulated) plane via instructions over the radio... The instructor in that episode clearly said that the majority of all US airlines have the capability of landing a plane via auto-pilot, so having to talk a civilian through the process would be a VERY rare occurrence!

    Source(s): Friend who is commercial pilot
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I've thought about that... I suppose most times the passenger would just be engaging "Otto" the pilot and wait. Wouldn't work in really bad weather or on some older planes though. Clear the runways...

  • 9 years ago

    I've always wondered if I'd be able to fly the plane, if for some reason, ... Haven't you seen any movies. A 12 year old kid can land the plane.

  • if the plane is stable and flying enroute...

    the passengers won't notice until the engines die due to fuel starvation and then it's too late to start learning to fly the aircraft

    Source(s): considering the silly fact that nor passengers NOR cabin staff noticed that their airliner flew past their destination due to both pilots sleeping... how do you think the people would even notice their pilots are incapacitated
  • 9 years ago

    Did you ever see the spongebob episode where he is trying to drive the boat and there is all the buttons and things. Yeah its like that. Or the family guy episode where they try to get Quagmires job back and they have to land the plane because he wasn't on it? Its like that too

    Source(s): I watch too much tv
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Haven't you seen any movies. A 12 year old kid can land the plane.

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