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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Can anyone really believe "anything" coming out of the Obama administration?

They're already set new lows for truth in a campaign. They lie constantly, create phony issues, twist and distort almost any story. Is there anyone who sees Barrack Obama as anything, other that what he is. The most corrupt, duplicitous, arrogant and divisive president in history


Sorry, I'm assuming you're all paying attention to current events. Do your own research.

I'll give you one example...Former Press Sec. Robert Gibbs, last week, lying about a Washington Post article, claiming evidence Romney outsourced jobs. Said to go read the article (knowing most wouldn't do that, and just accept it). Well, when you went to the article, it didn't say that. And the Post even published another article claiming the administration was basically lying about their previous article. There are seriously just too many lies to list, with this administration.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama lives by the teachings of Karl Marx. An example might be to "accuse others of the things you do." With so many lies, how can you believe anything?

    First of all Obama even stated, If things did not get better in 3 years, it would be a one term proposition for him. Obama care was sold to us as something good that was not a tax. Well, as it turns out is was argued before the SCOTUS that indeed it was a tax! Also , it was told over, and over again that you could keep your doctor. Well that turned out to be a lie. Doctors cannot afford to practice with the rules, regulations and fines imposed with Obama care.

    Another is Fast and Furious, what are they hiding? Obama won't show the Fast and Furious documents, but he wants Romney to show his tax returns? No body got killed over Romneys tax returns!

    Lets face it, facts to a liberal are like sunlight to a vampire!

    Romney 2012!


  • 9 years ago

    This is utterly meaningless rhetoric. Does it never occur to you that your argument (if you can call it that) might be more convincing if you provided a few, or even 1, concrete example? What you've posted is the same kind of stuff the horse posts on the stable floor.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    lol... I love cons when they act like everyone else in politics is perfect.. but Obama, he's the liar... right?

    hahaha... yeah, it's a list of honest paragons when you look at former politicians...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have no special love for the current administration. But can you tell me how your description doesn't perfectly describe his predecessor?

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  • 9 years ago

    An example might help, or did you just want to rant

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