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chocoboryo asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Dog Killed Cat? Now Dog Will Be Killed?

Hey guys, I need some advice. :\

Someone I know had a desexed staffy (less than a year old), a small dog and two cats. They all got along until a week ago the staffy killed one of the cats. Understandably, the family is very upset. They shunned the staffy for a few days to "teach him a lesson". Of course the staffy would have no concept of what he's suppose to be "learning" but the family did need some time.

Now, I'm no dog expert, birds are my forte. But is it normal for dogs to kill cats? Dogs are predatory animals so I'm suspecting it's natural behaviour and high prey drive. Or not? Should this dog see a good dog behaviourist? Should the family change their environment so that it doesn't happen again and accept that he was just being a dog?

The other issue is the staffy keeps jumping the fence and getting out. They've extended the fence but it's still happening. Apparently if he gets out one more time, they are taking him to the pound to get PTS for "punishment for killing the cat". This sounds ridiculous to me and heartbreaking. I have met this dog many times and he is very friendly towards people.

What to do?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The vet should not put to sleep a dog that has killed a cat . That is not a valid reason to euthanize a dog . Would you put a cat down for killing birds ? No you wouldn't , and its the same principle .

    Are you in the Uk ? As you mention the pound , i doubt it . However if you where that dog would not be euthanized . Vets need a valid reason for euthanization - illness , attacking a human . Killing cat would just not be reason enough in this country . Simply the vets would not do it . And so it should be so .

    When owning a dog with high prey drives - its the responsibility of the owners to make sure the dog is properly confined and does not have the opportunity to attack/kill any other animals . Yes its sad - but its natural . The staffy ws acting on its Natural Instinct . No vet worth his salt would put a dog down for that .

  • 9 years ago

    YOU are absolutely correct. Dogs have a naturally high prey drive, and Staffys have an exceptionally large prey drive due to what they were bred for in the past AND the fact they are considered "terriers".

    That poor dog. That poor cat. Neither was really in the wrong -- what a stupid family to put a Staffy with two cats (and a smaller dog). Had they done a bit of research and had a bit of common sense, this could have been prevented.

    But to be honest, this family sounds stupid on several different levels. I'd love to give them a good slap.

    ADD: @UHave2Be - I understand your prejudice toward this group of dogs and it is occasionally well-founded, but not in this situation.

    When I was younger, we had two rough Collies, in fact, that were young and playing in the yard - a stray cat passed through and as a game they ultimately played with that cat until it was dead. Fenced yard; we were indoors at the time. Obviously they didn't intend for the cat to die, or maybe they did - but ANY dog is capable of killing another animal.

  • 9 years ago

    It seems that the dog is having dominance and attention issues. There is a number of reasons why he could have killed the cat, it could have been posing a higher risk of dominance over his "pack" (being the family). In the wild that would end up in a battle to see who was the more dominant alpha (be it male or female it doesnt matter) and the cat was obviously no match for the dog. It could have also been a cry for attention, if the family have no worries about leaving him on his own for a few days then they might be a little more neglectful than meets the eye.

    Some dogs need constant reassurance that they are THE PET not the owner, and some are just naturally happy to follow but with either type, they both need guidance, disciplinary action and a reward for the behaviour that is deemed acceptable by the familys alpha. This sounds like it has been let slip a few times, the dog has grown a mind of its own and made its own set of rules.

    A pet behaviourialist would definately be a good idea if the family is willing to accept that the challenge to correct him is theirs, as they are the ones who have let him get that way. If they are not willing to accept that they need to change in order to change the dog then maybe the pound for rehoming is the best for both of them.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree with moondog. they should just surrender the dog. if it is friendly and gets along with people it is fine. just let the shelter know it can't be around cats.

    lots of dogs kill cats, and other animals. our dogs killed our cats growing up, and ate the kittens. it was not fun. but it's kind of normal. some dogs get along with cats, some don't. i think they have to be trained from a young age, and probably certain breeds are better.

    our dogs got out of our fence too, all the time. my family got them those shock collars, and i guess they work ok, because they quit. it doesn't hurt the dogs that i know of, just enough to stop them and become a learned consequence so they stay away from the fence. it was like a last choice.

    hope this helps. tell them some other family can take care of the dog and give it the life it needs/ deserves. (w/out a cat)

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  • 9 years ago

    There's no reason to kill a dog just because it killed a cat

    The family has no one to blame but themselves. If they hadn't let the cats roam then the cat wouldn't have been killed so its their fault.

    Its normal for a dog with high prey drive to kill smaller animals. Its the cat owners fault for letting the cat roam. If they had kept it inside where it belonged then it wouldn't have gotten killed.

    The owners of the dog are extremely ignorant and shouldn't be allowed to own any animal. The dog would be better off with some one who is experienced with the breed

  • 9 years ago

    you should get your friends to talk to a dog trainer... the dog is probably bored, destructive and wants to kill time. they should get him some toys like a kong or the home alone toys you can find on aussie dog.. i didnt check your location so if you dont live in australia than just have a look online.. this is defiantly not the dogs fault and the owners should really be doing this not you, but i commend you for doing this.

    if the owners are not bother to put the time into looking after a staffy then maybe he should be given to a home that will..

    i do recommend the seek advice from a Professional.

    hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My brother's dog (siberian husky) killed three of the next door neighbors Kittens for coming into his yard, my brother took him to see someone who told him there is no need for him to be put down. It is just a dogs Instinct so i suggest if they can't handle the dog either give it to another home or be more cautious when the dog is around cats. Yes it is very heartbreaking for the family but putting it to sleep won't bring back there cat.

  • 9 years ago

    These people have no understanding of dogs or dog behaviour whatsoever. Tell them to surrender the dog to Staffy Rescue or a no kill shelter or they could look for a home with an owner who has some understanding of dog behaviour. The dog shouldn't be killed for killing a cat.

    I hope they never get another dog.

  • 9 years ago

    I would say this dog needs to be in a home that doesn't have cats it also needs a home that has a enclosed dog run and a home that has dog training and exercise. Just saying this dog should of been socilized properly I am pretty sure my dogs wont kill a cat.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Well lets hope for the childrens sake they don't accidently kill the other cat...I don't get people..this is an does not think or feel or learn the way we have to train your dog at an early age..duh..more than likely though the cat and dog were playing and it just got too rough..Staffs, like other big breeds,don't really know their own strength..that's why training is so important. I get so tired of hearing about this breed suffering because of the iggnorance of it's owners.

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