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Children are dying from starvation across the globe, why doesn't your god stop this suffering....?

..please don't insult me with the "god's got a plan BS" either.

11 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A billion die every year from cancer, heart disease and strokes alone!

    3 million die every year from starvation, drought and the diseases caused by it.

    200,000 from natural disasters!

    This god who christians credit with creating and causing everything seems to love killing more people every second than the number of people that have ever been claimed to have been saved by his miracles!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The modern world makes up roughly 10% of the people on earth, yet they control roughly 50%-70% of the worlds wealthy. God provides for everyone through those who believe. If Christians give to a Christian organization that feeds children we're brainwashing the masses. If we don't then we're no different than everybody else. So you tell me how we should go about feeding and clothing the world.

  • 9 years ago

    Man committed high treason and rebelled against God. Man chose to listen to and obey God's worst enemy, and man gave the stewardship of the earth over to that enemy. AKA the fall of man. The world is now under a curse. Man has what man wanted.

    The way out:

    Repent of sin, be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ the Lord. Then pray for the starving people. Be willing to be part of the solution. Be willing to be used by God to help bring others to repentance and find their salvation through Christ.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God uses His people to take care of that through organization like Operation Blessing, Hand of Hope, Samaritan's Purse and many other organizations. They hand deliver the help needed when they know about it. This includes food, water wells, shelter, medical help and Operation Blessing even helps people set up small businesses so they can support themselves. I give to two of those organizations so get reports on what they are doing. They go into all countries including here in the U.S. when there are disaster victims. Works best with Internet Explorer.

    Samaritan's Purse is run by Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son. They even helped people clean out and replace parts in their homes here in Wisconsin when we had so many floods a few years ago. If YOU would like to do YOUR part to help contact one of these organizations. They are are on the Internet.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    And yet you see some people expecting help from god with their trivial problems.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. He doesn't exist. 2. Even if he existed, he's pretty much just going to let us just get on with it and make it up to us in the afterlife. 3. Religious people are the ones causing most of the ******* hatred and suffering in the world today just as they have done for millennia, and never let them ******* forget what they were like when they had more power over us!

    Source(s): .
  • 9 years ago

    God didn't cause the shortages of food man's desire to sin does that.the nation that forgets the Lord will be turned into hell.Israel even when protected by God went through some hard times,life happens to us all ,sometimes other people have to suffer because of the choices that some people make like when some people decide to drink and drive and some other person may suffer the consequences of their choice ,a family member oe whole family might be killed .

    Some people decide to rob an bank or an convenience store and decide to leave no one is an island we are responsible to each other because our choices affect not only ourselves but they affect others,sad to say, sometimes with tragic consequences.if those whom are billionaires would give 105of what they have to the feeding of the poor wouldn't that solve it or put an nice sized dent into their suffering .God doesn't walk on earth in physical from He uses people ,he moves on peoples' hearts to do good works (deeds) but he forces no one to act kindly.It is we who have to say yes when the desire to help comes to inspire to help.God when He created th world gave it into mankinds hands to pretty much run until our lease runs out,then He will take charge.God gave man charge of the world and we 're seeing what happens when selfish people are in charge.

    I heard but may need to be corrected that there are 400 - 4000 millionaires or billionaires in Africa (not including around the world) you're trying to tell me if those people wanted to they couldn't put a big dent into the suffering of their fellow Africans(those with money living in africa).Anothr thing we must conside if the food or money gets into the right hands becasue men are greedy and selfish and will steal what you gave to help the poor (not all men ) thinking only about them selves with no regards for the ones whom the things were sent to help,trying to live an luxuorious life at others expense.We point the finger at God but there's always 3 fingers pointing back at us saying what about you,what are you doing? God made an judgment call to put man inchrage if we who have to do what's right before the world changes,we make our own decision resulting in good or bad consequences.We have to remb that that they affect not only ourselves but also those whom are most vulnerable.If we love your fellow man and do something to help won't things change for the better? God doesn't just go around and force people to do things,he's gentle in his approach otherwise he'd violate what he gave to us free-will,something that the devil does but God won't.God doesn't walk the earth in human form but he works through people,moves people to want to help and heal other whom are in need,it's not forced but choice related,it's your choice or whether to help when he moves on your heart to do so ,each individual must make that choice to help or not ,they muct also make the choice or whether to believe what He's said ,have their sin forgiven and serve God or not.Each person must make their own choice,what will you decide?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    God didn't cause this, mankind did. Mankind has got to fix it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Apparently its all part of god's plan.

    Either that or he's testing some people's faith by starving others.

    Source(s): Christian logic
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    BS.. the only language an anus mouth knows how to speak

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