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If Christ came and died for my sins?

and has taught to pray to no other Gods, why would I need a Priest to intercede for my prayers and say prayers to forgive my sins. Am I not good enough, for a God that came and died to cleanse me of my sin, to pray directly to HIm????


Sandy: How sad it is that your faith is so shallow. Of course all sin is bad and man/woman is a sinner. But to think Christ came to earth and died for only specific sins is really really shallow. You really insult the nature of God

Update 2:

Jaridian: I like your thought process, I just wish you could convey your thoughts without swearing which is a sin.

Update 3:

Skip; I have no imaginary friends, all my friends are ones that exist. Fantasies are imaginary they are ok as long as they are not polluted by Satan. So I guess I do not know where you are coming from.

Update 4:

Robert: I appreciate your explanation and without doubt we are indebted to the Catholic Church for being steadfast in God's word. Others I agree with but you have answered the question I have put forth. I disagree with the interpretation that the Priest needs to be an intercessor between myself and the Lord. You see as I have stated before, if God/Christ died for his (the priest's sins), which was after the old testament was written and created the basis of the the New Testament to be written, then that makes my contact with God as direct as the Priest's. God came to earth to die for man and give him the chance to throw sin into the lake of fire. So, I ask everyone: What is your choice? If you do not believe in Genesis 1, (which qualifies the Old and New Testament), then the basis for one's belief is for naught and you chose the latter. God bless to all, thanks for your answer's!

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The role of a priest is to intercede between GOD & Mankind.

    This is modeled after the roles of Moses & Aaron.

    We do talk directly to GOD in our Confession.

    But the priest provides counsel & assures us of

    GOD's forgiveness as promised by Jesus.


    Source(s): You misunderstand confession by calling it prayer. It has nothing to do with worthiness, we're all sinners.
  • t d
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    when Jesus Christ was crucified, the veil of the tabernacle was rent (torn) from top to bottom... meaning anyone is now free to come before the Lord w/o a priest to intercede for us. God is available to whosoever will.

    Jesus did more than to just die for our sins...

    God robed Himself in flesh, came to earth, and authored the plan of salvation for the human race. anyone can partake of the new birth by spiritually obeying the Gospel message ...

    we obey Jesus' death by repentance (turning away from sin)

    we obey Jesus' burial by water baptism in Jesus' Name.

    we obey Jesus' resurrection by the infilling of His Spirit w/ the evidence of speaking in other tongues (as Jesus said in john 3 & in acts 2:4).

    obeying the Gospel is essential ...

    2 thess. 1:2-3 says, "the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

    In flaming fire taking VENGEANCE on them that know not God, AND THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ"

  • 9 years ago

    You don't need a Priest to forgive you of your sins. If you confess your belief in Jesus Christ, all your sins (past, present, and future) are forgiven through His blood.

  • 9 years ago

    D@mn straight. Come to think of it, no church, tools, book, etc, is truly necessary for you to commune with Deity at all, no matter what you call it. If you can't find it within, you will never find it without. :-)

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  • 9 years ago

    Religion is man made, But true Christianity is made by God.

    The answer to your question is you don't need one, all you need is to pray to God on your own. :)

    I like the way you think, you have it right in your head. :D

    Source(s): Christian
  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That's how the Catholic church controls people. Always has.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Yes you are right. No you are not good enough. Imaginary friends don't exist!

    Source(s): IMHO. No offence meant!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You failed to type a question in the question bar.

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