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Is it just me, or do you feel the same?

I feel so young inside; maybe around 35 or so. I'm shocked almost every morning when I look in the mirror over the bathroom sink. I think, Who the heck is that? I mean seriously. In april, I walked my granddaughter down the aisle (so to speak). It was more a path; an outdoor wedding. When I saw the photos later on, I couldn't connect with the nice old dude in the penguin suite. I thought, That can't be me! Has anyone else experienced these feelings?


Everybody's answers are so great! I'm having a hard time picking the best. It's nice to have all y'all in this boat with me. You are good company!

Update 2:

Everybody's answers are so great! I'm having a hard time picking the best. It's nice to have all y'all in this boat with me. You are good company!

17 Answers

  • Baw
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My laptop computer has a built in video cam and today is the first time I tried it out. I was shocked and appalled by the strange lady that I recorded. It took me awhile to realize I knew her since I recognized her voice. I guess I need to visit the woman in the mirror more often and get to know her a little better.

  • 9 years ago

    I feel like I'm only in my 30's, I am still shopping in the missy section and wearing some of them. During gym classes I can last longer and do better than some people who look half my age. I enjoy computer games that kids like. The only feeling that's different from when I was younger is now I find much older men more attractive. Deep inside I know I don't look how I feel. I turn off all the cameras in my computer and smart phone and never use them, the image is not pretty at all.

    Source(s): ..
  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    ROFL I know my husband did at our sons' wedding years ago. He was sitting on the

    couch when someone took his picture, and he was wearing a suit that must have been

    too tight in the waist, as he looked like a beached whale. And much heavier than he

    looked in real life. I have known some men that have taken good care as they've

    aged.Even to the point of using dry skin cream and lotion on their dry skin. So it doesn't

    hurt for a man to protect himself from the elements and make himself more appealing

    to his spouse, just as a wife does for her husband and herself. But I know what you

    mean. I remember a story one of my aunts told when she was alive. She said she was

    walking down a main aisle in a department store, and saw this lady ahead of her,

    walking straight toward her. She said as I walked to the right, so did the lady. And

    when she moved back to avoid her, the lady did also. Finally when they got so close

    they would be coliding, my aunt saw it was her own reflection in a standing mirror and

    she felt really sheepish. The older lady was herself, and it was then, she realized she

    needed to do some serious rejuvenation attemps. So for some, it takes longer to

    realize how we've let ourselves go, when we're still young enough to enjoy life.

  • 9 years ago

    Oh yes. I'm 60 and I started experiencing that about a year ago. It seemed like my wrinkles just popped up overnight and my body would no longer do what I wanted it to. I'm still getting used to what I see in the mirror and at times it's a bit disconcerting, but I'm much more content than I used to be so I consider it a pretty good trade-off.

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  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yup - I have - to be sure. Let me share this Poem with you.

    My Mirror and I

    I looked in the mirror to see myself

    But I was no longer there.

    Instead I saw an old woman

    Who had wrinkles and snow-white hair.

    I thought to myself: How strange indeed.

    Just who could this old woman be?

    She resembles our family, I must confess.

    But surely it can’t be me.

    Only yesterday my eyes were bright

    A wrinkle you could not see.

    But I looked at this woman with wrinkled skin.

    Now what has she done with me?

    If I move my head, she moves hers.

    When I smile, She grins with glee.

    From the way she looks, I think she knows

    Of the thought that bothers me.

    Just keep grinning, you old woman.

    I’ll turn from your image away.

    With head held high, I’ll say to myself,

    It’s good to feel young today.

    Mirrors are a shallow lot.

    They never look down inside.

    But it’s down underneath the surface

    That the spirit of youth abides.

    Sometimes a mirror will flatter you,

    Sometimes it will cause you to flee.

    But since I know so much more than it,

    My mirror can never fool me.



  • Power
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I can't remember where I was but I had a sleeveless blouse on and saw my reflection and saw my arms looked old. So I was standing their with my arms by my side and the inner arms at the top were wrinkled. So I lifted my arms and they sagged undernealth.

    Then I saw a picture of myself from several years ago & it was taken from the back of me. My husband was standing next to with his arm around me and we were looking out into some beautiful landscape. I was so fat. I weighed 149 at my most and I have lost a lot of weight but it is shocking to see myself. So I have been really exercising lately.

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Mentally I'm young and carefree. Problem is, someone/something has been messin with this body that contains me. It not only casts a strange reflection from the mirror, but the joints are achy and don't move so fast.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, I was feeling good about my looks until I went out to eat with some friends from school and one of them brought along her camera and took pictures. I looked horrible in them. What a shock. Needless to say, I came back home and was in a mood! I look better in the mirror to myself.

    Source(s): Me.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It first hit me around 10 years ago or so....Some friends took my pic and a couple weeks later gave me a copy...I thought to myself why are they handing me this pic of some old man? When it dawned on me I was a little shocked. It has been down hill all the way since then.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes. I keep wondering who's posing for my pictures. I look like a cross between a prison guard and a troll. In person,people tell me I'm pretty. My old pictures look good,but once I passed 70-someone started to fill in for me. It's not a very funny joke or should I say-I hope it's a joke,

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