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Gay marriage: for or against?

Are you for or against gay marriage and why?


@Hob: Do you not like the semi-religious term "marriage" being used by the government or think the government should not recognize any relationship between individuals?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Marriage is a religious ceremony; it should not be recognized by government in the first place (1st Amendment). Therefore, if people who are gay want to get "married", they should take it up with the church, not the government. Now, if you mean gay rights, then I'm a definite supporter--people should not be discriminated against because of who they are.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I believe that legalizing gay marriage is the right thing to do. The reason why it needs to be legalized is so that gay couples have benefits. If a gay couplke is "married" and one dies, the other has to pay 50% of inheritence in taxes (as if they were a stranger), while a man and a women that are married wouldn't. I am a christian, but being gay isn't a sin. Read Romans, it says that gays are born differently, do not judge them. Republicans saying that banning gay marriage is the right "christian" thing to do are completely wrong and are sinning. Nuff Said.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm against all government involvement in marriage. Gay or Straight.

    I think government should enforce contracts between individuals and allow individuals to write up contracts between themselves if they should so choose but they shouldn't have some special contract called marriage. It should just be seen as any other contract.

  • 9 years ago

    If you're for gay marriage it is more than likely that you are either gay or have a gay family member. If you're against, it's because you are not gay and more than likely YOU BELIEVE that you don't have a family member who is.....but then the question is, for those that are against, what happens the day that your son, daughter, sister or brother tell you that they are gay - will you oust them out of your life because it goes against your convictions but you're more afraid of being judged by other people? Or will love them no matter what, because they are your family? People shouldn't judge others, because you never know what the future holds in store for you!

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    When will Bishop Romney release his tax returns?

  • Lance
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    For. Gays should be allowed to be miserble too.

  • 9 years ago

    For. I see no credible reason to ban it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, gays are people too.

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