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What is your Political Solution to The Current Economic Depression?


-You may as well vote for Bob Diamond to run the UK and Bernanke to be the next puppet of the US.


Dr - I like your Keynesian theory... Although, Keynes's theory was only practised AFTER complete collapse occured, not ever as a way of "avoiding" an extended period of depression.

Update 2:

MU- I like the fact that you are a fellow alcoholic.

Update 3:

Reality- Not sure what reality you're on... Just keep smoking it and everythig will be OK once you get a retarded whiteman elected again huh?

Update 4:

In this we trust- Ron Paul was the man, alas he had no chance. One man doth not a Congress Make!

Update 5:

Slash, hard to argue, but please.... Why work?

Update 6:

Sophie- DAMN- Mossad must have got her- Shame, she had a damned good point as well, there are only N Korea and Cuba Left (Iran is on the edge girl and Gold is king!!! RIP Sophie!

Update 7:

Just Some- Excellent point- But who do you get to audit the fed? The Fed FED FED? The US (As the UK) is bankrupt.... Just haven't printed enough to pay for the process yet... Or Bernanke is planning to print your National debt into oblivion... But then even printing $50 bills there is not enough oil left to power the presses to print the debt to obviate the debt!

Update 8:

McKenzie- Wow... Get rid of your dogmatic aspects of your nation when you have the capital to afford to do it. The US is Bankrupt- You are one dollar away from despotic over rule. How's FEMA doing?

Update 9:

Civil unrest? ? ?


12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We need to end the Fed. They are not part of our government. Either that or Audit them. They have bossed us around and stolen so much money from us. They are the #1 cause of this depression. They have sucked off of the american people long enough.

  • succor
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    For a country to recover from a slowdown/recession, assuming that most of the variables are fixed, requires an increase in the amount of capital the country has available.

    The obvious choices are devaluation against major trading currencies like the euro and dollar.

    Slowing down the flow of capital leaving this country through excahnge controls and limits on inter-bank transfers.

    Reducing the interest rate.

    Introducing govt transfers to local co-ops, that in turn lend to local businesses.

    Adjusting the tax system to make bank saving less attractive, and asset accumulation more attractive.

  • 9 years ago

    In the UK the one big obstacle to kick starting the economic cycle is the myopic George Osbourne and his debt reduction plan. His plan my well bring down the national debt, but in doing so will destroy the hopes and ambitions of the country due to lack of wealth creation . So my big plan would be get rid of george osbourne, That ought to at least get a more colourful insight into whats needed to get things moving.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    get rid of the wide intrusive authorities. Roll again each and each and every of the rules, rules, and pink tape that are killing businesses. decrease the severe taxes which reason organizations to flow to different international locations. Repairing roads and bridges with money burrowed from China received't help the commercial device in any respect. Balancing the budget will be sensible very much.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Edit: There is a serious flaw to your reasoning.

    Cannibalizing your own nation is NOT the way to increase capital and that's what Socialism does.

    It starts by increasing the public payroll, more public employees than private, and that does not drive a system, it collapses it.

    Then increase taxes ignoring the fact that we are competing with every other country for business - how does making it harder on business drive the economy?

    We are not bankrupt. We are moving that direction with every Socialist move we make.

    Enough of it. Did you mean to be an apologist for Socialism?

    Original Post:

    Remove the socialism from our government.

    Only ONE party has ever stated outright they wanted to crash our capitalist economy to replace it with Socialism, and they said it publicly and as part of public record (easy to check).


    President Obama was a former member of The New Party in Illinois, a branch of the Democratic Socialists of America.

    70+ Democratic Congressmen are also members of the Socialist Party (Public Record)

    Another set of the Congress members in the Democratic Party are also members of the Democratic Socialists of America.

  • Slash
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    There is not a political solution.

    Once we absorb the inventory on construction and start to replenish the supply, 4% unemployment will return.

    We are successful because we BUILD things.

  • 9 years ago

    The only candidate who was willing to take on the FED was Ron Paul, and he didn't address the lack of tariffs (the other half of the problem).

  • Obusha
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Less government, no central banking cartels to loot the 99%. UKIP, Tory, Republican and Libertarian.. All in one!

    The recession ended 2 years ago? LMAO, what country are you living in? Maybe it doesn't feel so bad when you are on the dole.

  • In the US, we left the recession 2 years ago. Because of the UK's austerity program, it's entered another recession.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Vote the obstructionist Republicans out of office so that we can get some infrastructure projects going. Not only is it going to help create jobs, it also improves our crumbling roads, sewer systems, and bridges, which would come in handy when there is economic expansion.

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