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Who are you voting for and why?

Just curious. IMO I'm not wasting my time deciding if I'm going to vote for a giant douche or a terd sandwich. I've lost total faith in our government. If there was an independent running I would, but nah, Republicans and Democrats all seem to be just as wasteful with our tax dollars. I'm not voting this year. Hell with it.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm voting for Mitt Romney this year!

    I agree with you that I would prefer a more moderate, third-way type candidate, but at the same time I have always leaned to the right.

    The reason I am voting for Romney is because I believe that our country needs to change directions. Mainly, I believe we need a smaller government that rejects the dominating Keynesian economics of the past century and instead works to eliminate our extremely problematic debt, and of course deficit. I feel like Romney, as a moderate, along with the roughly mixed yet Republican leaning congress would do a good job of reducing the size and scope of the government while at the same time maintaining the necessary programs that are essential for businesses to succeed, and for individuals to live with dignity.

    Romney's experience as a businessman is useful in my eyes because he understands how our economy works in lower levels, as opposed to a basic understanding of sweeping macro-economic policies that most politicians have.

    Moreover, I'd like to see a weakening of some of the more powerful labor unions that hold economic development in a stranglehold, yet also seeing all workers having the opportunity to join a union strong enough to fight for the rights they do deserve. Some unions, like the UFT in New York state, have gone too far.

    If we have a system that mixes union rights and power with more private control then we can see the economy flourish on its own!

    I also want to see Romney pursue a policy of energy independence, but not by forcing us through artificially high gas prices and hybrid car tax incentives. Instead I'd like to see the private economy and consumers gravitate towards that in their own time, when it becomes more realistic and affordable, and for now for our government to choose the best options for cheaper oil agreements overseas, and more domestic resource extraction.

    I could go on and on about more school choice, civil rights, a hospitable home for businesses and factories to bring their business back, and a more equal tax code that doesn't focus on "you pay less than me and I hate you for that, you should pay more because you are rich" but rather, "how can we realistically raise enough revenue to support our government while at the same time not harming the economy or individuals".

    I don't hate Obamacare outright, it is not the worst health care plan, but I do wish Medicare/aid was reformed, and the social security system was privatized.

    Well anyway, these are some of the reasons I am voting for Romney!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Liberty Ron Paul

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Who I am supporting, & why.... Seems to simple, for this old farm boy... Clinton left office, with a surplus of over 235 billion.. That's not at all bad, in the black, instead of the red, as we were, with Reagan, & daddy Bush... By the time baby Bush left office, the country was bankrupt... What's there not to understand ? Sure seems to me, there's a trend, that developed, & people want to do a repeat, of Reagan, daddy Bush, & baby Bush ?

    People have forgotten this, already ? Or is it all about, merely changing the subject ? You can try rewriting history, all you want, but I lived through those years......

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    * $5+ Trillion Debt in 3 years

    * $1.3 Trillion average deficit/year

    * $818 Billion wasted "stimulus"

    * Obamacare and its taxes

    * 8.2% declared unemployment (Real one 14%+)

    * 17% declared underemployment

    * 2 US Economy downgrades



  • 9 years ago

    Romney. Anyone's better than Obama at this point. Piece of sh*t.

  • 9 years ago

    well, i'm not old enough to vote so...

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