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Libs, how about if B0 told you that you didn't earn your college degree?

After all, you didn't do that. You needed professors to teach you, buildings in which to hold classes and live, roads and bridges to get to school, factories to make the books, etc. So, you didn't really earn your degree and should have to share your credits with those who were unable to attend college.

So, why should you get preferential treatment in employment because you have a degree? After all, you didn't do that.

PLEASE don't tell me B0's quote was taken out of context. I've heard the whole speech, and it's much worse than that one phrase.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I read something similar written by a conservative father to his liberal daughter. He told his daughter how it felt when she worked so hard every night and got the same degree and grades as his roommate who drank and party every night. he was fustrated by his daughter attitude about giving to others when he worked so hard saving and being responsible to build his own business. they just want short cuts. They are jealous of other's success. I have assistance a while back who was angry that they get paid less then me. I told them that I will help them if they want to go to college. tehy said no. they had a a bad attitude they do the same as me, when they don't. and did not have the same legal responsiblity. I was at a casino with my dad, and came to realize how liberals behave. My father won, and immediately got hit up by someone for money. Small business owners took a huge risk starting a business. When they fail, no one is there to support them, but when tehy succeed, the poor all come out angry and jealous and want to take apiece of it.

    PS I get mad that the youth thinks they are smart because they have a college degree, but now a days, college degrees are watered down. THe new ones seem no better then High school grads from decades past.

  • 9 years ago

    On the context of the one sentence:

    "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

    By removing the preceding sentence, you change the referent of the word "that" from "roads and bridges" to "business". If you want to debate the meaning of the speech, that is fine, but let's start with honesty about what he said.

    On the meaning of the speech:

    Elizabeth Warren made this point best. Obama copied her message and even Romney has argued the same point. The basic idea is that hard work and intelligence is great and needed to succeed, but it isn't enough on it's own. Without the society that brings you teachers and roads and the internet and police, etc., etc., etc., you can't succeed no matter how smart you are or how hard you work. If you built a business, great, and as Elizabeth Warren's version put it, "good for you, you keep a big hunk of it, but part of the social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay it forward for the next guy." Obama added, though he didn't do it well, the notion that there are plenty of smart and hard working people who do not make it right now because they don't have the good fortune to have the access to the resources that others have. He could have made that point better, but it was another point in his speech which wasn't really in Warren's version.

    On the application of the message to your scenario:

    I went to Cornell University. I certainly earned my degree curn laude. I had the opportunity because the State helps fund Cornell (it is a mixed State/Private university system). New York State gave them a land grant paid for by tax dollars. I also get a tax write off for my tuition payments, funded by other taxpayers. The government subsidizes student loans with tax dollars. Cornell is in the middle of nowhere, without the Interstate system built by Eisenhower and the small roads built by New York State, I couldn't get there. A big part of my education used the internet, built by the US government.

    I certainly earned my degree, and unless you take the quote out of context, Obama didn't imply otherwise and more than Romney implied that Olympic athletes didn't earn their medals in 2002 when he said basically the same thing about their families and coaches and government built facilities. But I have plenty of people to thank and my tax dollars help ensure that other people down the line will have the same opportunities and they can thank me by paying their taxes and continuing to pay it forward.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm so tired of you guys not doing your own reading. Aren't you tired of repeating what someone else says, instead of thinking for yourself?

    Actual quote:

    "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." -- Barack Obama

    I will tell you you're taking it out of context, and you haven't posted anything to prove otherwise or to make any other point except the same dumb one that every other right-wing wacko has been making for days after listening to Rush and Fox.

    The analogy to what you're claiming would be if every college graduate tried to claim that they succeeded without any college buildings, without any professors, without any books. Is that what you believe?

    And what Obama said is no different than what Romney said in 2002:

    "You Olympians, however, know you didn't get here solely on your own power," Romney said after congratulating the athletes. "For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them."

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    And if Obama spoke it in the same way as he did the similar quote that you keep taking out of context it'd be true.

    See if you went to college, you already know what BS your rants are.

    You know who makes doctors? the government, They pay the majority of the expenses.

    I bet you never even thanked your parents for paying tuition fees did you?

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  • Bug
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Actually, I readily admit I didn't earn my college degree all by myself. I had lots of help, including from the government, who backed my loans.

    I did the academic work, but a lot of other people made it possible for me to be there in the first place.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I'd tell him he hadn't earned his black a$$--which is true. He had help from his black daddy. Just like all there rich people have had help from either their rich daddies or someone.

    The phrase pull yourself up by the bootstraps came from German: Baron Von Munchhausen. He was a German military type that went around telling tall tales. He is the person Munchhausen sydrom by proxy-- the disorder where the women poison the kids so they get attention themselves is named after.

    It a funny thing that so much of American work culture in the last 100 years is based on the myth that Baron Muchhausen was in quick sand in Africa and because of lack of help pulled himself up by the boot straps and saved his own life. It's utter horse $hit, but you will find stupid people in the USA swearing everyday that that is the original American work ethic.

    Barak's point is that anyone that is successful didn't do that in a vacume. If Donald Trump had been born in a dump outside Mexico city he would have just sniffed glue like the rest of them.

    Rich people in this country have done everything they can to refuse to pay taxes. Two Jewish ones Denise Rich and the other top dog at Facebook just recently gave up their US citizenship's to avoid taxes.

    Those people, and Facebook can go fook themselves. Try getting rich in war-torn Africa, or Commie China, or one of those $hit-a-stan countries and see how far you get. They got rich under the protection of the US military--the best in the world. And now they think all of us middle class people ought to pay for that while they even give up their US citizenship to avoid taxes? Fook that!

    All of the Jews and the eastcoast aristocrat WASPs and the Catholics--the rich uncle Tom house naggers, the Arab sheiks and all the other sacks of $hit I am leaving out are going to pay their taxes, and I don't care if it fooking kills them.

    BO got elected because the Republicans are so stupid that they are even now trying to get some Mormon idiot elected that believes Joseph Smith taught that people can't be a spiritual if they are not wealthy! HA! Jesus kicked over the money changers tables and he probably would have kicked both Romney and Joe Smith right in the a$$.

    It's beyond all that right now though. BO isn't a solution, he is a symptom of the problem. The problem is that the wealthy have declared war on the middle class, which is really stupid. Barak hasn't done enough, but at least we will probably get healthcare if he wins.

    The wealthy that want to oppress the middle class should watch it though. They won't though, they will be as stupid as they were in the French revolution when citizens did things like stuff boat anchors attached to horses up their a$$es so their butts would be yanked off. The Jews met up with Hitler and the rich met up with someone whose name the press is even afraid to utter in the US, a man by the name of Robes Pierre. He sent them all to the gilateen, even Louis the XVI. Funny thing is they didn't even have 99% in their side, just 97% in the French revolution.

    So I think its coming-- people are fed up, enough to vote for a black man, enough to expose Jews who are crooks and freely give up their US citizenship, and ready to deal with all the other sacks of $hit I mentioned.

    PS, I'm not some stupid liberal. I'm a conservative that thinks the state of conservative politics in the US has gone to hell in a hand-basket.

    Also I don't hate Jews, there are many good Jews. I just think is well past time that every Jewish person that ever pulls anything is given a walk because of the Holocaust--which now days had nothing to do with him or me.

    I am also not a fan of Hitler or Robes Pierre, hopefully people in the US will be reasonable enough that a madman such a this does not arise to power.

    Source(s): The $hit storm that's become the norm and taken over the USA.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Lol - you take his statements even farther out of context and pre dismiss any mention of the intentionally misleading intent.

    I bet you never lose a debate.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    This must be a joke. In your attempt to dismiss, or diminish what the president said, you have actually proven his point. An education is just one of the things that tax-payers have provided to most of those that have become successful.

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