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Lv 6
Ken asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 9 years ago

Do you believe Bush's tax cuts have created jobs?

How do you stand on eliminating them? Before we start the Obama bashing, I didn't vote for him. I am middle right on most issues, just not this one. I think they need to disappear. 1 in every 8 dollars have gone to the richest Americans.

7 Answers

  • John
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bush2's job creation was 1/7th that of Clinton when taxes were much higher. What were all of those "job creators" doing during Bush2?

  • 9 years ago

    This is another case of stopping the thought processes when a desired conclusion is reached and thinking no further. That makes you very normal.

    If you thought further beyond "those damn rich people have so much more than me it isn't fair" you would probably understand they could create jobs under a relatively stable economy. Rich people don't just put all their money in a vault somewhere until they need it. It is always invested in something if only bank accounts used to lend money to you and others for buying things on credit you cannot immediately afford.

    Under normal conditions tax reductions allows everyone paying taxes to keep more for buying what they need and that can stimulate production and the jobs come with that. Even so, that's mostly when money no longer sucked away to government develops new industries needing all kinds of labor. Production increases in old industries requires relatively few new employees.

    Sadly, we are not in stable economic times. Once again the grossly overpopulating cultures -- essentially all of them until the Euro-cultures stopped a half century ago -- have pumped out so many babies they grew into huge hordes of excess labor undercutting each others' wages. The labor market too is now global and there are hundreds of millions, and possibly a billion or more, excess workers world-wide and more coming particularly in Asia and Africa.

    Eliminating taxes in all the developed nations couldn't stimulate enough jobs for all those excess workers but raising taxes could starve out employers. Government funds are too often drained away to economically counterproductive processes.

    Source(s): For decades I studied philosophies, cultures, and social institutions. I began that because of confusion resulting from my military experience under the shadow of neo-Marxist anti-military and anti-capitalism indoctrination in the universities. I continue a forty year quest wading through the huge pile of stinking crap a wide variety of bigots piled on top of truth hiding it from nearly everyone's view. The pile was made by blaming people they don't like while excusing people they do like regardless of where the fault really lies.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ok here is the deal. You eliminate all of the BUSH TAX CUTS. And watch and see

    what happens to the so called middle class of this country. Shot dead between the

    eyes. The Bush tax cuts worked to some degree, Maybe not in the growing of jobs.

    However you must remember we had below 5 percent unemployment to a average

    of 5.2 percent unemployment. The sorry *** left keeps saying they created more

    jobs then Bush, Well they damn sure should have, because the rates Bush had were

    damn near perfect. Never trust a damn progressive or democrat when their lips

    are moving,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'll just give an example from my own life as a multiple small business owner. Over the last year, due to extra funds I had, I hired two people to work in my dental practice and one person to oversee some investment properties I also purchased with some extra funds. I also hired a crew of 6 people for a few weeks to paint all of my properties. If my taxes had been 5% higher, I probably would have only hired one person in my practice and continued to oversee my properties myself. So yes, the Bush tax cuts have created at least 3 jobs.

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  • 9 years ago

    I'll throw out an Obamaism:

    "Well, it would have been a lot worse without them!"

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No, it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that "VOODOO ECONOMICS" never worked.

  • Tony
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    not with 0bama holding them hostage every year

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