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Did Mitt Romney's recent statements hurt his chances for POTUS?

Or just his chances at being awarded a Nobel Prize?

11 Answers

  • Doctor
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it says something about us when a person can say something entirely reasonable and just because the press yells how stupid it is and how rude it is, then millions of people parrot that line and also say it was stupid or shows poor judgment on the part of Romney. Romney was right and what he said was true; it just was not what some people wanted to hear and it was an opportunity to criticize someone for something.

    The press can make or break you by telling people what they should think.

    You have to be on the far left to get a Nobel prize. It is given as a reward for leftism, not merit.

  • 9 years ago

    Not sure what statements you are referring to, that being said how about a person who has done nothing but put a few months into his job as Pres. and gets the Nobel Prize ..oh or how about the nut Al Gore who made over 50 millions off of us with the global warming theory. And now that it has come out that some of the figures were fudged he can't be found..hmmmm makes you wonder doesn't it.

  • 9 years ago

    The fact that the Koch Brothers are Romney's main financial backing says it all. They are two of the richest men in America, and they are trying to buy this country for the rich. With Mitt-stakes' money here, and hidden in foreign bank accounts, he's their man. He is their puppet, and he, personally, will have no control over the White House. John F. Kennedy warned us of 'the government nobody knows about. It's them.) Google: Illuminati, The Koch Brothers, "The Coke Koch Song: *youtube.

    It's all out in the open, and that is what will hurt Romney. Today, blogs, the Social Media (Twitter, FB, etc.) spread the truth. All you have to do is give it some time each day to learn.

    Source(s): They're the EVIL THING! Sing along!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't know which statements you are referring to. Can you be specific? I guess you can win a Nobel Prize these days for just about anything since the current POTUS won for doing absolutely nothing!

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  • 9 years ago

    Trust me Obama has made enough Gaffes for night time Comedy shows to be really funny if not they had their head up his butt.

    Romney told the truth because it was spread all over their papers about all the security problems they were having so I believe he just repeated those concerns. Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel but the Obama administration will not say it. Yes, we will back Israel if Iran attacks under Obama or Romney.

    If you want a JOB....Vote Romney!!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    he's pandering to his conservative base. that's what they want to take heed to. he's a safer candidate for women electorate than Rick Santorum. a number of Santorum's supporters doubtless propose the perspectives held in the direction of women in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Victorian novel The Scarlet Letter. His theory-approximately planned parenthood is composed of chastity belts.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    He only said what he thought from his POV after rescuing the Salt Lake Olympics. So a bunch of sassenachs just couldn't handle it. At least he showed that he is not a timid little mouse.

  • 9 years ago

    Simple. Food stamps or jobs. Even though there are a lot of bums in this country, I still believe the majority would rather have jobs than food stamps.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it was honest and reflective on his own past. It's a big deal about nothing that nobody will remember in a week.

  • 9 years ago

    Probably both. You don't want someone who's supposed to be our voice on the global stage to say something stupid

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