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I like a girl but she just likes me as a friend?

I really like this girl and I have told her that I like her a lot. I met her last year which was my first year in college. She lived across the hall from me, and we hung out all the time. I started to realize how much I liked her towards the end of the year, and I basically sat her down one night told her straight up that I liked her a lot. She told me that she just doesn't do dating, which I couldn't say anything too because I know she has never had a boyfriend and I know for a fact that that is by choice. She was very sweet about the whole thing, as she could probably tell how nervous I was, and we actually went back to my room and watched a movie like we were planning to do anyway that night.

Things never became awkward at all after saying something and our friendship continued as normal, but I still like her a lot and I don't know what to do. I would consider myself to be one of her closest guy friends at school and I am very good friends with all her girlfriends. She gave me mixed signals sometimes during the year, even before I told her how I felt. We'd go to lunch sometimes as just the two of us and she would hang out in my room all the time and vice versa, but nothing that would make me really think she wants to be more then just friends. I really enjoy her as a friend as she is a lot of fun to hang out with and she is a genuinely nice and friendly person, but I would really like to make it something more.

I feel like this is turning into an ongoing circle as I feel like I already went through this the first time I went to tell her how I felt, and that if I make another move again it just becomes obsessive and weird. I'm not really sure what I should do because I still really like her and I didn't get a real answer the first time which kind of puts me on edge just because she never said she didn't like me back, she just said she doesn't date. (I know her well enough to know she has never dated, she isn't just saying that to appease me)

Any advice as to what the best plan of action is is appreciated. Please don't try and appease how I feel, I want to do the right thing, and if that means I should walk away from anything more than just friends, that's what I'll do.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I think you're in a really tough position. Since she hasn't had a boyfriend yet, it's possible she really isn't ready for a relationship. Try asking if she likes anyone when you guys are hanging out, or ask her friends who she likes. It might be pushing your luck if you try and tell her that you still like her, but if you are comfortable with her, you could just be honest and ask for her advice :)

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