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  • Repairing a Griffin RoadTrip FM Transmitter with SmartScan?

    I am attempting to repair this cord, but I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what all of the wires mean, so here is a list of the wires present: Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Red, Black. The Red and Black wires have been severed from the male iPod connector to the rest of the cord, but there isn't enough free wire for me to solder them back together.

    My original plan was to cut off the original male connector, replace it with another, and solder all the wires back together. My other question is would a normal iPod male connector cut off from a usb wire work as a replacement? I'd assume no for the fact that the blue and purple wires seem unique to this type of transmitter but I'm not positive.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • How often should I pay for my girlfriend?

    We've been dating for 6 months, and I always pay. This is not on her though, because I always offer an insist to pay. She does work part time and reels in about $150 a week on average (server). Sometimes she insists to pay the tip when we go out to eat, but I always like to pay because I have been raised that the guy pays, plain and simple. For instance, I took her out to a very nice dinner for our 6 month and ended up dropping $100 on a dinner for 2.

    We are both in college, but I am working a payed internship right now and make decent money for a college kid. Once this internship ends though, I'm back to a broke college kid and I can't continue to spend on her like I have. I have already told her I'd like to eat in more and cook, which she has been perfectly fine with, but I still spend a lot going out to eat with her and what not.

    She tends to have expensive taste and isn't much of a money saver, and when I'm not making money, I tend to spend very little money. I guess what I'm asking is what a good compromise would be so I cut my spending, because it definitely isn't sustainable once my internship ends.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Afraid to smoke weed like I used to?

    When I started smoking, I never had a problem with it. I wouldn't say I loved it, but it helped me relax and get my mind of things, which was nice after a long day.

    I smoked virtually everyday with my friends one summer and really enjoyed it. I went back to school and smoked less, but when I did I still enjoyed it the same. Once the next summer came around, I was stressing out over a lot of responsibility that started coming into my life.

    I was not in a great state of mind, so I figured smoking would probably help. It ended up making me over-analyze everything and overwhelmed me. I hated it, and every time I would smoke after I would be afraid of that happening again. I ended up figuring things out and I'm not stressed anymore, but after quitting for a drug test and starting back up (2 months), I still feel the same way and hate getting high.

    I miss being able to enjoy smoking like I used to. I've thought about slowly increasing my tolerance and just getting used to the feeling again, but I'm really not sure what to do.

    7 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Consider the line L(t)=(3,4t−3,3). Perpendicular, Parallel, Neither to?

    Consider the line L(t)=(3,4t-3,3). Then:

    L is _____ to the plane 6y=6

    L is _____ to the plane 8y=-16

    L is _____ to the plane 8z=40

    L is _____ to the plane 3x-3y-5z=-5

    The answers can be either perpendicular, parallel, or neither for each question.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Find the equation of the plane in xyz-space through point P and perpendicular to vector n?

    Find the equation of the plane in xyz-space through the point P = (5, 2, 2) and perpendicular to the vector n = (2, -1, -3).

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Wrapping a heated food item in Aluminum Foil?

    If I were to heat an bagel up, wrap it in tin foil, and put it outside for 5 minutes, would the food still be virtually as warm as it was to start with? An explanation would be appreciated if you do know why either outcome would occur.

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Will fans ever step up?

    The players and league treat us like guaranteed money. They know all the die hards will be back the second the NHL is back, no matter how long it takes. If there's a season next year, I will absolutely hate doing it, but I won't buy a single thing that makes the NHL money. If enough people do the same, the owners and players will get wise real quick.


    A pissed as **** hockey fan

    I know it isn't realistic, but the fact that 2 other major leagues resolved their problems shows that the NHL couldn't give 2 shits about the fans, and I'm supposed to reward them by giving them money once it's back? Just think about who you're supporting the next time you spend your hard earned money on the NHL.

    5 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • almost 20 year old male virgin?

    Long story short, I never had any sort of relationship with a girl in high school, didn't kiss a girl until the beginning of my freshman year in college, and just got out of a semi-relationship that ended pretty badly. Basically, I talked to this girl at the end of my freshman year, we kept talking through the summer, went out on weekends together to begin this year. I hooked up with her a few times but things never escalated any higher, and I know I wasn't aggressive enough in certain situations, which I do regret because afterwards I knew I should have made a move. She basically felt as if we turned into friends after the first 10 weeks, but the way she went about telling me was through ignoring me and I had to ask her why she was ignoring me before she told me over a text message that things were done.

    That experience, as minor as it may seem to most people, was the first real relationship I've had with a girl other than just friends, and the fact that things went so shitty and I wasn't even dating her just makes me feel like I have no clue what I'm doing. I am an average looking guy I'd say but I'm extremely tall (6'5" always the tallest guy pretty much wherever I am) and slender at just under 200 lbs. I work out a good amount, but my body is just naturally slender so I still look pretty skinny. I feel like every girl I try to talk to are just intimidated by my height or just think I'm freakishly tall so stay away. I am very unsure of myself, but I try to act confident and do fine talking to girls in general, I just can't seem to find any girls that give me any signs that they may like to be more than just friends. I just feel like I blew it on the first semblance of a relationship I have no confidence for any relationships in the future.

    Sorry for the rambling, but if anyone could give any good advice it would be greatly appreciated.


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Dell P703w printer/scanner problems?

    I am trying to scan a hard copy onto my computer, but I am unable to do so. The reason is that my printer is out of black ink, and it shows an error message that there is no ink so I cannot navigate the printer at all. I don't want to actually print anything, so the ink is irrelevant, so why is my printer basically locking itself because there is no ink? is there any way I can get around this?

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.

    3 AnswersScanners9 years ago
  • My computer tells me I have no internet conncection when I do?

    I have a Dell Inspiron N7110 with Windows 7. It isn't the best computer, but it works and generally gets the job done. The most pressing issue with this computer would definitely have to be it's inconsistency when it comes to connecting to the internet. I usually end up getting connected through playing around with it, but that isn't why I am posting this question.

    Every time I do connect to the internet, the icon in the bottom right corner either has a yellow asterisk saying networks are available or a red X across the bars. Even with these icons being there, I am still connected to the internet and it runs fine. When I click on the icon, It says connected next to the network I am using.

    I know this is just an aesthetic thing, but I would really like to know why my computer is doing this and if there is a way to fix it.

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Find the radius of convergence, R, and the interval of convergence, I, of the series?

    The sum from 1 to infinity of ((x-8)^n)/(n^n)

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Find the Taylor polynomials up to degree 6 for f(x) = cos x centered at a = 0.?

    I feel like I am getting the right answer, but I may be submitting it in a wrong format on WebAssign.

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Find the Taylor polynomial T3(x) for the function f(x)=1/x centered at the number a=4?

    I feel like I'm doing it right but I keep getting the wrong answer, can someone please work this out so I can see if it's the website or if it's me? (the site has glitched before to make right answers wrong).

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • I like a girl but she just likes me as a friend?

    I really like this girl and I have told her that I like her a lot. I met her last year which was my first year in college. She lived across the hall from me, and we hung out all the time. I started to realize how much I liked her towards the end of the year, and I basically sat her down one night told her straight up that I liked her a lot. She told me that she just doesn't do dating, which I couldn't say anything too because I know she has never had a boyfriend and I know for a fact that that is by choice. She was very sweet about the whole thing, as she could probably tell how nervous I was, and we actually went back to my room and watched a movie like we were planning to do anyway that night.

    Things never became awkward at all after saying something and our friendship continued as normal, but I still like her a lot and I don't know what to do. I would consider myself to be one of her closest guy friends at school and I am very good friends with all her girlfriends. She gave me mixed signals sometimes during the year, even before I told her how I felt. We'd go to lunch sometimes as just the two of us and she would hang out in my room all the time and vice versa, but nothing that would make me really think she wants to be more then just friends. I really enjoy her as a friend as she is a lot of fun to hang out with and she is a genuinely nice and friendly person, but I would really like to make it something more.

    I feel like this is turning into an ongoing circle as I feel like I already went through this the first time I went to tell her how I felt, and that if I make another move again it just becomes obsessive and weird. I'm not really sure what I should do because I still really like her and I didn't get a real answer the first time which kind of puts me on edge just because she never said she didn't like me back, she just said she doesn't date. (I know her well enough to know she has never dated, she isn't just saying that to appease me)

    Any advice as to what the best plan of action is is appreciated. Please don't try and appease how I feel, I want to do the right thing, and if that means I should walk away from anything more than just friends, that's what I'll do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Infinite series convergence/divergence and finding the sum?

    sum from n=1 to infinity of 4/((n^2)+4n+3)

    If this series converges, find its sum, if it diverges, explain why.

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Infinite Series convergence/divergence help?

    sum of n=1 to infinity of 4/((2^n)+1). If it converges, find the sum, if it diverges, explai

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Write out the form of the partial fraction decomposition of the functions?




    Basically, the question is asking me to write the functions out in partial fraction form, but do not integrate or solve for the coefficients.

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • How much can your teacher see of your activity on WebAssign?

    Can your teachers see every time you sign in to webassign or can they just see how many times you attempted a question?

    I am basically asking how much can your teacher see of what you did while on webassign.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • HDMI cable won't work for xbox 360?

    I am suddenly having a problem with my hdmi cable for my game consoles and I am not sure why. The cable worked fine for the weeks I have been using it and now I plug in the cable and the input on my television says that there is nothing connected. The hdmi cable works when I plug it into my cable box, but when I change it to my xbox or ps3 my television tells me nothing is connected. I have tried two cables (both the same) and both work with my cable box but neither work with the game consoles.

    I thought that it may be a wrong type of hdmi cable or something along those lines, but both worked fine for weeks up until now, and neither show any noticeable damage.

    Any proposed solutions to this issue are appreciated.


    2 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Thermodynamics Chemistry challenge problem?

    Suppose a hydrogen-oxygen fuel-cell generator was used to produce electricity for a house. Use the balanced redox reactions and the standard cell potential to predict the volume of hydrogen gas (at STP) required each month to generate the electricity needed for a typical house. Assume the home uses 1500 kWh of electricity per month.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago