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Scott B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

How, in any way is saying you don't support gay marriage, perpetrating hate?

According to those that support it, any opinion different from their opinion, means we "hate" homosexuals. What a ridiculous step in logic. I believe in civil unions and same sex benefits, I just think marriage as an institution doesn't need to change to satisfy one group. Doesn't claiming that makes me a "hater of homosexuals" dumb down your argument?


Mike Du: A homosexual does have equal rights where marriage is concerned, they are asking to change the institution. Doesn't that sound like a "special" right?

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "I believe in civil unions and same sex benefits"

    How is that different from marriage? If A = B, why not just call them both A?

    It is legal for any two people to live together, be in love, and perform a ceremony that solidifies their bond. Let's say two people perform all the ceremonies of a traditional wedding, say "I do," etc. The only differences between that and marriage are the legal benefits like adoption and being able to file joint tax returns.

    According to your own words, you believe in "sex benefits." If this means what I think it does, you support gay marriage. If you only support some or none of the legal benefits of marriage, there has to be a reason. If you cannot think of any reason why certain people should not have equal treatment under the law, either you MUST change your mind, or, assuming you acknowledge being homosexual is not a choice, you have to accept the fact that you believe you are more deserving of certain rights than they are because of the way you were born. Most people call that hate. A more fitting word is bigotry.

    To all you bigots out there, I forgive you. You believe you are doing what is right, and I can respect that. I disagree with your views, but I believe everyone is entitled to free speech.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    it is just a matter of religious meddling where it doesn't belong.

    Why does other people wanting the same rights (to get married, to be happy) as you offend you?

    Why would the removal of basic human rights from others (not you though) make you happy?

    because you are bigoted that's why.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Liberals will never argue on the basis of merit.

    If you oppose gay marriage you are a hater

    If you think that EPA regulations stifle business and job growth you want dirty water and air.

    If you think the government spends too much on social programs you want to starve old people and children.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's not hate, it's a political opinion. Gays want something that no one else has every had: federally endorsed approval of their sex life. It's not in the constitution, so it's not a "right".

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    It isn't, but the Left believes they can guilt and/or bully you into accepting their orthodoxy by saying that you're a hateful bigot

    Source(s): The Left is so damn predictable
  • GARF
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Because liberals don't like it, so it is hate. Of course when they say bad things about christian beliefs, that is not hate. Disgusting, pathetic and shameful.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    How do you know a liberal is losing an argument? The call you a racist homophobic kkk sympathizing nazi.

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