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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

If Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years, Why isn't the IRS investigating instead of Harry Reid?

Starting to look a lot more like a shake down for petty political points


@TruthSeeker: Romney doesn't have to concede to radical ******* when he's already released the required amount of taxes.

The Clintons could get IRS audits of people in their way on-demand. Why can't Harry do that?

Update 2:

What if he donated to a bunch of charities and got tax breaks? I wouldn't doubt the Democrats completely lie about that significance.

16 Answers

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    NO SH!T it's political. What was your first clue, other than the fact that a politicians mouth was moving?

    BTW, do you know what Reid actually said? What he said was that someone who was familiar with Romney when he was at Bain called him up and told him that Romney had not paid any taxes for 10 years. He didn't say if it was true, only that he trusted the source. He also didn't say that there was any illegality involved. What he was doing was recounting a conversation. That's not an investigation. Is Reid doing this for political reasons? Absolutely. Do Republicans, even Romney, so the same thing for political reasons all the time? Absolutely. Romney seems to want it all his way. He has resisted giving up his tax returns for 18 years, every time he has run for office, even though most of the time his opponents have released theirs. So when it comes right down to it, this isn't about Harry Reid. This issue came up in the primaries, it came up in 2002 when he ran for governor and it came up in 1994 when he ran for the senate.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What makes you think there would have to be something illegal for him not to have paid taxes?

    You only have to pay what you owe, and people like Romney could arrange his finances so that he could, perfectly legally not pay taxes because he doesn't owe them.

    Take the horse, its one third owned by Ann, and they claim a seventy seven thousand dollar deduction for it. A human child is worth less than six thousand as a deduction, his horse is worth seventy seven. Nothing illegal.

    And they have several horses, and their income for the past few years, maybe more has been from capital gains, taxed at a lower rate than earned income to start with.

    Homes, cars, boats, dinners out at big restaurants, fine wines all can be charged off to business expenses. Even things like country club fees.

    The IRS doesn't think anything is wrong with those deductions, they are legal.

    Its how the rich do things. They even get to give thousands of dollars in gifts, and its all legal.

    That in fact may be exactly why they don't want to release the forms. He may have paid a low rate or even no taxes, and its all legal, at a time when Republican want to make sure the wealthy get even more, its not a great idea for a man as wealthy as Romney to show that he pays less of a rate than a cashier at Walmart.

    And its all legal.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The longer he takes to modern his "data"? The extra discredit he brings upon himself. Shamefully. BA--The Senate ultimately passing a funds is extra major. The tax returns are a pink laser flea for the leftist kittens to chase. a lot noise. a lot exhilaration. Accomplish no longer some thing. Romney could already have executed been Martha Stewart perp walked. Had the IRS Clintonistas and Obamunists easily got here across some thing. they have had open get admission to to his archives. no prefer to "launch."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Do you really not know that the tax code is skewed in favor of the ultra-rich? It is. Romney could have legally paid almost no taxes because of the loopholes written just for people like him. He's been audited, so everything he's done to avoid taxes has probably been completely legal, including the amnesty he received for hiding money in Swiss bank accounts. NOBODY is accusing him of cheating on his taxes, but I wonder how many people who schlep off to work every day and give 25% of every dollar to the IRS will feel when they find out Romney only has to pay a few cents of each dollar of his income?

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  • 9 years ago

    Yes , especially since, Tim Geithner,is in charge of the IRS...and Geithner is Obama's little azz-kisser,and surely Geithner would have exposed anything negative in Romney's taxes,that is a fact. So why hasn't he ...he would if there was any truth to that story, of course he would. Only a person like Obama would appoint a known tax-cheat as Secretary of The Treasury

  • mackie
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Because it is all a big lie fabricated by Reid,Obama and the DNC.They are too stupid or they think the American people are too stupid to realize if this was the truth Romney would have been rejected by the FBI,IRS and RNC as a candidate for President.

  • 9 years ago

    Because it is easy to evade taxes and launder money through international horse shows. Drug cartels do it all the time.

    Also when you are invested in abusive tax shelters, it is hard for the government to see if you are paying what you are suppose to. ROmney has lots of investments in these types of operations

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The IRS does not go about investigating wealthy individuals who have direct or indirect (through bribes) political power to have individual agents or an entire field office of them put out of their jobs.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because he did the leeeeggggalll way. The Haaarrvvvaaard way.

  • 9 years ago

    'cuz it's all perfectly legal. Mitt is more important than you so he doesn't pay taxes. It's like he told the Palestinians. It

    's a cultural thing. He is just superior to you

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