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Lv 4
Kes asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Is ignorance and stupidity a virtue for conservatives?

Why else do they have lower IQs on average than liberals? Why do they avoid higher education like the plague and accuse them of being "indoctrincation centers"? Why do they want to limit education for children by only allowing rich families to have quality education?

Why else do they support Romney and believe all the lies that Right-Wing media tells them?

I mean, they must LOVE stupidity. Am I right?


@Shovel Ready: The leaders of your party, and the ones who are intelligent because they can wrap your voter-base around their fingers are the corporate CEOs. The rest are unintelligent masses that easily eat up the paranoia that you foster among them.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Conservatives ARE Smarter Than Liberals

    Liberals love to think they’re smarter than conservatives, but they aren’t. Conservatives are smarter than liberals, and we know this to be true for a variety of reasons. Now, Pew has give us more proof to add to the pile. But before we talk about Pew, let’s consider the proof we already have that conservatives are indeed smarter than liberals.

    Here are six reasons why we know liberals are simply not very smart:

    1. They support liberalism. No, I’m not being facetious. Liberalism has been an unmitigated disaster everywhere it’s been tried. It has bankrupted countries, destroyed inner city families, and made a mockery of education. Indeed, any area of our culture or economy which is dominated by liberals is a mess. And the more liberal a country is, the more likely it is to be broke with massive unemployment and little idea how to turn itself around. Not to mention that liberalism runs contrary to human nature, and its cousin socialism has slaughtered hundreds of millions of people. Einstein defined insanity as repeating the same behaviors and expecting different results, yet that is exactly what liberals are doing. Hence, anyone who still believes liberalism can work is either stupid or insane.

    2. They reject reality. Anyone who ignores facts they don’t like and insists on believing things that are provably false just isn’t very smart. Yet, that describes liberalism to a T. They will believe things which have been debunked and ignore all evidence that disproves their beliefs. And, not only do they ignore evidence they don’t like, they attack the messenger and try to force people to accept their fantasy version of reality over genuine reality through groupthink and political correctness.

    3. They accept contradictions. Anyone who can accept a logical contradiction is an idiot because it shows they have no ability to reason and they are willing to believe that which cannot be true just to maintain their worldview. And liberalism is crawling with logical contradictions. My recent favorite is Keynesian thought, which says that spending money helps the economy because it adds to the economy but simultaneously claims that taxes don’t hurt an economy even though taxes pull money from the economy.

    4. They lack a principled framework through which to see the world. The liberal decision-making process is emotive and reactionary, it lacks consistency and any sort of framework upon which to base decisions. It is essentially “reasoning through gut feeling.” Inconsistency and lack of problem-solving methodology are evidence of weak, useless minds.

    5. They are incapable of seeing the long term. All decisions have short-term and long-term consequences, yet liberals simply cannot grasp the concept of long-term effects. Only being able to grasp half an answer is evidence of stupidity.

    6. They “admit” it. Liberalism’s most obnoxious trait is that liberals project their own worst traits onto others. Thus, while they act like racists/sexists/homophobes/ageists/etc-ists, they deny being any of these things and instead project these flaws onto others. They whine about conservatives speaking in code because they themselves speak in code. They accuse people of being liars when they are the liars, they accuse others of being “haters” when they have the hate, and they accuse others of being “fascists” when they are the fascists. So what do we make of liberals accusing conservatives of being closed-minded (a distinctly liberal, but not conservative, trait) and stupid? Hmm. Sounds like an admission to me.

    And now we have more from Pew. Every year, Pew asks people a variety of questions to gage the public’s knowledge of various topics. If liberals are indeed smarter as they claim, they should dominate these tests, but they don’t. To the contrary, conservative blow them out.

    Here are the results from the 2010 quiz:

    ● Men did better than women (50% to 35% correct) and in fact beat women on every question.

    ● College grads did much better than high school grads (61% to 33%).

    ● Age-wise, those in the 30+ brackets did much better than the 18-20 bracket (50% to 32%).

    ● And Republicans (50%) and Independents (47%) did better than Democrats (40%).

    In fact, it was even worse than it appears for the Democrats. On the 2010 Pew survey, Republicans outperformed the Democrats on 10 of 12 questions, with one tie and the Democrats winning the other question. On this year’s survey it was even worse. This year, Pew asked 19 questions and Republicans outperformed the Democrats on ALL 19 questions. Imagine that.

    Source(s): So these condescendingly smug liberals who see themselves as vastly more knowledgeable than Republicans. . . after all, they watch Stephen Colbert while you hillbillies are watching NASCAR. . . got smoked on 19 out 19 questions. And this continues a trend of Republicans smoking Democrats. Sadly, the Democrats are probably too stupid to understand what this means, but feel free to try to explain it to them the next time they claim they are smarter than conservatives. I suggest using puppets to make it easier for them to understand.
  • paul s
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You chase down the path of what has never once worked calling the people who know history, math, human nature, economics, all ignorant. Why do the socialist movements claim the future is the schools? So Where the both the far left and the far right actually agree, you are smarter because you don't get it? The money to schools has gone through the roof, far beyond inflation and yet since the seventies we have gone in CA from first to into the lowest ten? So it isn't about quality education or getting an education that will take fifteen years to pay off? How is that bright enough to ride a bus? I don't think I need a govt appointed owner. Some party hack serving some alternate agenda? No. If allowed freedom will some prosper? Sadly this is true. Livestock should never get too smart. Just a suggestion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Since the time Reagan made massive budget cuts to education Republicans have been working toward that goal .

    After all what do wage slaves need with an education any way . They are just slaves and a smart slave is not really a slave at all.

  • 9 years ago

    barry obama opposed the d.c. voucher program for washington d c area school kids. please give an example(s) of a right leaning media lie(s). the lame stream media lies/withholds info like saying the republicans do not have an alternaqtive to obamatax. wrong, the republicans support buying insurance across state lines and medical savings accounts. republicans support school choice/vouchers. when conservatives call schools indoctrination centers is the school children singing songs of praise for obama. one being mmmm, mmmm, mmmm for obama. that is what conservatives mean by indoctrination obama lie is that through obamatax i will not raise taxes on the middle class. obamatax and its 21 new obamatax taxes does raise taxes on the middle class. liberals must call others names like ignorant/stupid when presented with facts that they do not like.

    Source(s): conservative talk radio, breitbart 21 new obamatax taxes article.
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Many people on Y/A are willfully ignorant. I don't personally know a lot of people who actually support Romney, but they will vote for him because he will be the GOP nominee.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Provided that you're part of a exact group that thinks education makes you elitist. I believe we all know who they are. PS: they are the identical men and women that do not realize this query seeing that it has "enormous" words in it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    BAD Liberal. DO not be condescending. Maybe wishful thinking?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is still better than being a liberal.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If most conservatives are anything like the absolute imbeciles that post on Yahoo, then yes.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I thought we were all corporate CEOs. Maybe that was yesterday.

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