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If God is "all-seeing" why didn't he?

know where Adam was when he hid in the garden?


8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    like everything else in the bible, you just have to interpret that to mean something other than what it actually says.

  • 9 years ago

    They had now become “like God, knowing good and bad,” in that they no longer accepted the standards of good and bad as set by Jehovah God but they had become judges for themselves as to what was good and what was bad. In spite of this, their consciences began to bother them. They felt exposed, needing a covering. Their bodily nakedness was no longer a clean, innocent state in their eyes, in which to appear before Jehovah God. So they began tailoring and covered over their private parts that God had given them for the honorable purpose of reproduction of their kind. Thus under the condemning testimony of their own consciences, they condemned themselves, even before the Sovereign Lord Jehovah did. Hence, we read:

    “Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife went into hiding from the face of Jehovah God in between the trees of the garden. And Jehovah God kept calling to the man and saying to him: ‘Where are you?’ Finally he said: ‘Your voice I heard in the garden, but I was afraid because I was naked and so I hid myself.’ At that he said: ‘Who told you that you were naked? From the tree from which I commanded you not to eat have you eaten?’”—Genesis 3:8-11.

    15 Let us notice, now, that there is no expression of repentance on the part of Adam and Eve, but, rather, an effort to excuse themselves: Someone else was to blame. “And the man went on to say: ‘The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate.’ With that Jehovah God said to the woman: ‘What is this you have done?’ To this the woman replied: ‘The serpent—it deceived me and so I ate.’” (Genesis 3:12, 13) However, excuses did not absolve these willful transgressors.

    Even though God can know everything, he choses not to. He does not watch everything we do. He gave us a conscience to keep us in line. The angels are his messengers and they report to God bad doing. Then he can give attention to it, if it concerns his chosen special property out of all the nations.

    You silly boy! When you are a father, you will certainly say to the child "where are you, come on out". Of course you probably already know where he is.

    Source(s): WBTS (NW)
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Reading comprehension 101. It does not say that God could not find them or did not know where they were. It says they hid. Ever had your kid (or a kid you were watching) hide from you but you still saw them and knew exactly where they were? Like playing peek-a-boo with a baby. The baby really thinks you disappeared, but YOU know it's a game of peek-a-boo. God was calling them out on their sin, making them fess up.

  • 9 years ago

    Why don't you ask God this question when you get to Heaven?

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  • 9 years ago

    DUH! Because God works in mysterious ways!

    That and Adam was a pro at hide and seek.

    Adam invented that game. Of course he'll be good at it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He wanted to see if they would lie to him

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I believe we can provide two or three Answers that can provide scientific evidence.

    Reason 1

    Does Any God, Satan or Devil exist? Hypotheses


    Understanding: Anything that can be asserted with little or no evidence can be dismissed just as easily, so the extraordinary claims made by deist, which is that an omnipotent being (god or the devil) exists, would require extraordinary evidences for which religion cannot supply. Therefore, evidence for the existence of god is dismissed with any simple test such as the one that follows. It should be obvious to the most casual of observers that this test can only be applied to an being that is said to be omnipotent, because only omnipotence could be responsible for answering this test.

    Remember: Some religious books will state that the believers can not or should not test their god or the devil for that matter. So, if someone believes in god then he or she would be forbidden from testing god. Since (Atheist, Non-Believers or believers from other religions) do not believe in your god then they of course are free to test said god and show statistical truth behind blind belief in said god.

    1. Important Note: There is nothing that states anywhere in the world that we can not test the Satan or Devil, which is generally categorized as having similar omnipotence as god.

    2. God and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Hypothesis: Does any God Exist? Data Collection and Test:

    This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.

    Here is a simple god/devil/ghost test

    1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post worldwide and your post will state the following:

    "I am god, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    2. Devil or Satan or holy ghost you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

    "I am devil, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    We now have a working theory known as the God does not exist theory.

    **We have shown that no God of any kind exists!

    **If your god does exist and does not answer then it is not worth worshiping because it either is not omnipoten or does not want or care to be worshiped.

    **We have shown that no Devil or Satan of any kind exists and established that God and Devils are mutually inclusive, so if one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Thanks for asking such a wonderful question that we all can learn from and even get a little science in too, but the answer seems to be No God

    Reason 2

    Also science has even more definitive evidence that god does not exist, see this Article by NPR

    SCIENCE HAS FOUND GOD, see link below

    Reason 3

    I know the future and SCIENCE WINS

    In 5 billion “ish” years our sun will go nova and end the earth’s existence, that is when the world will end and not before.

    Reason 4

    There is no evidence for god(s) existence and therefore all god(s) must be assumed NOT to exist!

    Reason 5

    Flying at 10,000 feet, jump out of a plane and on your way down pray to your god for a safe landing. Sciences Wins Again 100% of time splat!

    Reason 6

    The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god! He took the Jewish religion, organized it into Christianity and then into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!! Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed christian or Jewish origin but entirely ITALIAN! Learn your history before you believe is fairy tales.

    Reason 7

    Acceptance of supernatural claims can promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child's acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging or teaching this sort of automatic acceptance behavior it will facilitate the lack of skepticism and leads to division of people through ideological differences. This of course has only one path which violence brought about by intolerance taught by the religion and it’s belief system.

    Just to name a few

    Waco Texas - Christian

    Jones Town - Christian

    KKK - Christian

    IRA ( Irish Republican Army ) - Christian

    American Nazism - Christians

    Serbians - Christian

  • 9 years ago

    the entire book is stolen from ancient ancient stories....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He watches you at night do not do anything.

  • 9 years ago

    the only thing funnier than bible contradictions are apologetic explanations ...

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