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Christians and Jews: Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, they went out into the world?

and found wives.....where did these wives come from?

Genesis 4

16 And Cain went out from the apresence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch

If something doesn't appear in the Bible, are we to assume it just happened? Did God create these people or did Adam and Eve bear them as well? Please clarify.


But if Adam and Eve had other children, wouldn't they still be in the garden? Cain went out of the garden to find his wife. And why were all the other children mentioned, but not these ones?

Update 2:

Greg, that is in Genesis 5, AFTER Cain knew his wife in Genesis 4....

Update 3:

So, how could Cain go out from the garden if they were already banned from the garden? Doesn't seem logical.

Update 4:

Also, we see in other sections of the Bible that genealogy information is given out before a sequence of events, as in the book of Matthew Chapter 1. Is the word of God inconsistent?

Update 5:

THANK YOU SWORD OF THE LORD!!!!!! This is my belief as well. Since god created man in it's image, and God is spirit, he saw the potential in evolved man as being superior to all other creatures on earth, intellectually and emotionally. It is then God breathed into man It's Essence, the Spirit, and created us in It's image......

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that Adam and Eve weren't the first humans created, but that they were the first humans created in the image of God, that is with a soul and a conscience. Somewhere along the line of evolution, God put the soul in man and that he called them Adam and Eve. So when Cain was banished from his parents, there were other people around. It's just that they didn't have souls.

    That's why he was afraid anyone who found him would kill him. And that's how he built a city. I believe God killed these souless people off in the flood.

    Source(s): Balthazar - You're very welcome. I understand your excitement. There aren't many Christians who believe like us. I agree with you. I think when God breathed His Spirit into man, that is when He became made in the image of God. The bible says in Roms 8:3: "..... God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh ...... " So we see here that it's not our flesh that is made in the sinless image of God, but our spirits.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This answers the question of where Cain's wife came from, using only two things: the Bible as a source of information and logical reasoning:

    2) But if Adam and Eve had other children, wouldn't they still be in the garden?

    According to the Bible, Adam and Eve's first child was born **after** they were exiled from the Garden of Eden.

    3) Cain went out of the garden to find his wife.

    Not according to the Bible.

    - Jim,

  • Greg
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    God's word is focusing on Cain here.

    That doesn't mean that Adam and Eve didn't have other children (including daughters), because they clearly did.

    When God's word gives genealogy information, we learn that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters.

    Genesis 5:4

    4And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:

    Edit: To respond to the asker's additional details:

    1. All indications from God's word shows that Adam and Eve were out of the garden before they even had any sons or daughters including Cain and Abel.

    2. It's very common in literature to not write all events simultaneously. If I'm writing a biography about Hitler, and I write about from he was born until he was 30 in chapter 1, and then I give a family tree of Hitler in chapter 2, which then gives brief details about his parents, and siblings. It would be a bad assumption to assume that Hitler was 30 years old, before all his siblings were born. Then chapter 3 goes on to the Nazi party. Chapter 4, focuses on 1939, etc.

    3rd detail:

    Adam and Eve (prior to giving birth to sons & daughters) were already forced out of the garden of Eden.

    Genesis 3:23-24

    23Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from from where he was taken. 24So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden...

    4: Look at Luke, the genealogy doesn't come until chapter 3 if I remember correctly.

    In modern writing, the author has the right to decide where to put a genealogy in their writings. Sometimes they put it at the beginning, sometimes where they decide is best (in one chapter or another), sometimes at the end.

    God knows what information to give man, and decides where to put a genealogy in His word.

    Source(s): God's word
  • 5 years ago

    Lilith is reported contained in the Bible, yet not with the help of call. In Genesis a million, guy and lady are made out of the Earth. Then the tale differences in Genesis 2. Lilith were given written out, lest females get uppity innovations. I call myself a daughter of Lilith. because, like, I keep being advised with the help of rabid Christians that each and each and every one females are undesirable. So utilising that as a foundation, all women are descendants of Lilith and all boys are descendants of Eve. you need to also search for what maximum theologists imagine Adam's "rib" honestly became. I gained't say it right here, because regardless of the Bible being complete of porn, human beings will take offense.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Humans were banned from the Garden of Eden so Adam and Eve's sons and daughters would not be the garden. Brothers married their sisters.

  • The Other Clones...

    The Other DNA Rib/Bone Creations...

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