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Why do sellers say their motorcycle when what they meant to say was catalog?

I've been looking for a new motorcycle for a couple of weeks now, and there are a tremendous numbers of owners that report their motorcycle is 'custom' and they are expecting a premium price for it. What I've seen has been so far away from custom it's pathetic. I've found these guys meant to say catalog (meaning that any rube can open to page 32 for example of a catalog and get the exact same part). I understand they love their rides and rightfully so, but when I type in custom motorcycles that is what I expect to see on the return. One off frames, that nobody else has. Special details, that are not duplicated anywhere else, etc. Has anyone else noticed the way people describe their ride is far off base for what it actually is?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. What they should be saying is mods.

  • 5 years ago

    You bought your answer on diligaf. Is dependent upon the MC club. Some are harmless such because the HOG (Harley homeowners group) or GWAA (Gold Wing homeowners association. There are additionally the 1percenters. These being the Hells Angels and similar golf equipment, who're mainly involved in equipped crime or just all around no good. Propose you go to an MC rally corresponding to Sturgis or Daytona Bike Week and spot if these are your form of persons.

  • mn
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    YES... a custom bike can be just take off a couple of bolts & replace with chrome ones..

    full custom bikes are not the norm... but if your looking for a new second hand bike... why not buy the bits or an original bike & customise it how you want

    rather than ride someone else's dream bike... you can ride your own..

  • 9 years ago

    Got a custom '01 Triumph Tiger 955i, it has a '80 Honda Civic radiator cap.

    But been meaning to customize it a bit more. Email for more details.

    Source(s): It's a custom to rip off those that are unaware.
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