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I Need a Man's TV show.?

I need a suggestion for a tv show or shows, within the past 20 years that meets the following cirteria:

- no women in charge [ meaning, no police chief female; female mayor; female karate instructor; female samurai (don't laugh, i've seen it); female executioner; female sharp shooter in WWII (again, don't laugh, i've seen it); female pirate ship captain; female knight in full plate armor; female super hacker ]

- no mysandry [ female punching men; female insulting men; female making men look bad and / or stupid; female appearing 10 times smarter, stronger, faster than men ]

- no over the top violence [guts spilling out, blood gushing out]

- male lead [ in case someone wanted to suggest lassie or something other than a male actor ]

- one of these genres in this order of importance: 1. fantasy 2. sci-fi 3. comedy

- semi-intelligent [ example, none of this: they find a body stab, the stab wound could only have been done by a left-handed person, the only left-handed person in the whole show was shown writing left handed in the opening scene]

- no tremendous plot holes [ a plot hole is like: "Elizabeth is a witch"; and the elizabeth character never casts a witch spell. ]

- no bad writing and direction [ 3 werewolves stand in human form, not moving, while a 90lb chick shoots them with a boy and arrow for 5 solid minutes from 40 yards away ]

- no hidden agendas [ like one character saying, "oh Israel is great"; or "I can't get enough of Pepsi" ]

- each episode doesn't have to have a happy ending [ I'm not 3 years old ]

- no gratuitous sex [ for example: "oh no we're surrounded by 10ft tall space mutants that spit acid and are technologically superior to all of mankind, let's have sex right here and now"]

Please tell me the show or shows you recommend and why [ as in why does it fit the above list ]


I would prefer comedy as a last resort.

Also, do not insult me. Not wanting a female lead, nor any mysandry, is a far cry from being sexist. This is exactly why I do not want to watch such shows, because it twists social mores and values.

Mind you, when I want to watch a woman in a leading role, I pick a show that has a woman in a believable role, that doesn't involve mysandry. A woman beating up twenty 300lb muscle men is not only not realistic, it's insulting to watch, in my opinion. You notice, even James Bond runs away from an clearly superior foe.

Update 2:

Wow, I too am Black. I do like fantasy, but I don't like fantasy in my reality. And, yes, there is no modest portrayal of women anymore. It clearly is butchered by special interest groups, feminist movement. Yes, I would expect a 300lb bodybuilding woman to swat away a 100lb man, but not visa versa. And, it happens all too much in movies / shows. When I get married, I expect my wife to be my equal [ I am not attracted to weak women ], but equal doesn't seem to be portrayed in movies / shows.

I could only guess at an apt portrayal of Blacks in situations that don't involve drugs, sex or stereotypical behavior coming out of Hollywood. What's worse, I don't know any Black people that act like the ones portrayed on tv / movies. It is a huge disconnect.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Breaking Bad (for my money it's the best show to ever be on television. Plus the show only has 11 more episodes to go, so you don't have to worry about it overstaying it's welcome or going stale like so many shows)

    Louie (funny, raunch, artsy, absurdist, dramatic, bleak, hopeful, smart, sardonic and genuine) You can't begin to pigeon hole this great series.

    Archer (probably the funniest show on tv. Good adult animation)

    Eastbound and Down (darkly funny, raunchy and more linear than Louie. Kenny F***IN Powers

    Misfits (an odd show. It's about a group of late teens early 20s kids in serving community service and a freak storm gives them super powers, then it leads to misadventures going up against their bad decisions and other super powered people. They're not particularly heroes, they're just young people who get mixed up in weird situations and deal with it to the best of their abilities, which isn't that great. It's funny as hell and fun and the characters seem very real.)

    This is an EDIT: Another great or at least very good show is Luther (I have no idea how I forgot about this show). It's basically about a cop in dire need of anger management teetering on the edge of sanity at times, it can be a bit procedural at times but it only has a handful of episodes each season (season 1: 6 episodes, season 2 had 4 and 3 will have 4) so it doesn't get routine. Each case is interesting and dark. It stares Idris Elba and it's probably my favorite leading performance on a current show second only to Bryan Cranston on Breaking Bad.

    Source(s): I feel the same way sometimes; I just want to watch a show with no pc agenda. That doesn't mean you can't have strong female characters, but sometimes the whole "woman are just as good as men" thing gets turned into women are far superior to men; Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's like as a black guy I would like to see more interesting shows staring more black people but that doesn't mean I want some token brother or black female thrown in for quota sake or have he/she written to embody everything good about the ethnicity like we're Na'vi or something. It seems many writers have no idea how to handle minorities characters without either making them a soapbox or either complete wastes of screen time: T-Dog from Walking Dead. Just make a good show, good writing, cast damn good actors, good directors and editors and entertain us and without being heavy fisted enlighten us if possible.
  • 9 years ago

    Breaking Bad

  • 9 years ago

    Well my husband loves My Name Is Earl which of course is a comedy, he also loved the UK version - can't stress that too strongly, because the US remake was AWFUL - of Life On Mars, a great drama series, really amazing (he got me hooked on it too lol). And if you don't mind something older, Star Trek - The Next Generation, it has one of the best ensemble casts you'll ever find, is thought-provoking, often insightful into the human condition, also often very funny!

  • 5 years ago

    If you happen to seem to by means of the box set of it, you'll to find it in the anime section of the shop (Suncoast and first-class buy). The series itself was copyrighted by using Capcom, so yeah, it's almost always an anime.

  • 9 years ago

    Erm prison break but theres a female nurse and a female president but the presidents a ***** and always gets outsmarted by the hot male lead who is a genius :p

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Two and a half men ( before Asthon kuther) the new one are stupid, but when Charlie Sheen was ther they were epicly hillarious.

  • 9 years ago

    What the hell?

    You can probably watch worlds strongest man..just about the only show without a woman

    Hope ya like it you sexist bast*rd

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