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  • Is there a Phone-Only tour ticket?

    I'm a youtuber. I'm tossing around, with my subscribers, the idea of going on tour. I was jokingly saying they must RSVP by phone and all tickets would be on the phone, so when you come, they swipe the phone, and there would be no paper tickets.

    Does such a thing actually exist or does the VENUE have to provide that?

    I've never gone on tour before.

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment2 years ago
  • My freight broker tells me we can't touch air, rail nor ships, because we're too small?

    I am a new freight broker agent and we have dedicated ground carriers. She says we can't even drop off to airports, trains, seaports. When I joked around that, "there goes my international freight brokering empire dreams" she was not amused. So can someone explain what's going on, in some detail?

  • Can you use a VA, no money down, to buy a 4plex?

    So a "friend" of mine is a vet and has access to VA loan. He wants to buy a house. One agent showed him a 4plex, instead of a house, because it was in the price range he was looking for anyway. However, it needed fixing up. One of the apts was already occupied and one was already revamped, but the last 2 were trashed. The problem was, on the VA inspection, would they deny it due to the last 2?

    My friend never even went for it, but the question remained, as I advised him to continue looking at multi-dwelling homes as a source of income.

    But, can you even buy a complex with a VA loan?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • I'm studying for my CFA but getting recruitment letters for financial palnner?

    So I'm studying for the CFA in Dec.

    I started getting recruitment emails for financial planner.

    i immediately launched in to researching the companies and researching what a financial planner does, and finally financial planner vs financial analyst. That final category brought me to tons of forum posts telling people that analysts should NOT get into planning, as it is a cut-throat and somewhat underhanded business, cut-throat on the part of the hiring companies that, hire you, get you to bring in new customers, fire you and then keep the customers. Underhanded in the sense of, people come to you for financial planning and you instead sell them some company insurance or product that is high fees and low returns.

    Furthermore, on one forum, a guy, in my same shoes inquired about getting into planning vs analysis and over 100 posts said to stick with analysis as it is a much "better" job for the following reasons:

    - you don't deal with the public

    - you deal directly with company officers

    - your pay is limited as a planner vs as an analyst your path can lead you to portfolio manager and CFO who can make millions, vs a few hundred thousand a year.

    That being said, I don't have a finance degree and can't even find any junior analyst positions even open here in my city, everything is senior analyst or higher. It's as if junior analysts keep their jobs forever.

    So the question is, are the points on the forum valid? Should I ignore these FP recruitments and concentrate on getting that analyst job? Or is a FP a gateway into the finance world?

    3 AnswersFinancial Services8 years ago
  • Best plan of attack for the CFA for non finance / business major?

    I have a political science degree. I took all the way up to 2nd intermediate accounting in school. I took no finance nor business courses. Last year I decided to stop beating around the bush and take the CFA. I trade stocks myself and am pretty good, so I do have that as a background.

    The real question is, while studying for the CFA, I feel i'm missing some basics. I don't have a job per se, own my own business, so I have all the TIME in the world. Should I study some text books in "preparation" to study for the CFA? And what exactly should I study?

    I have done some lightweight economic review, like supply / demand etc.

    I have made a vocabulary list of terms I didn't know, which I then go and define, which leads to more terms, ending up in a huge glossary, which lead to me asking this question.

    Oh, and before you say, "you'll never pass", I get staggering results, when taking tests, mind boggling even, to the point I skipped grades by taking tests, gotten jobs I had never had experience in. I normally just figure out what they are looking for and eliminate most wrong answers. Now, having said that, I have seen someone propose to teach people how to "take" the CFA test, as in learn the testing method, and not learn the material, but I'm ignoring that, as I honestly want a job where I use this material, not just take a test.

    So, for a non finance / business major:

    - should I do extra study on top of studying the CFA books

    - what texts should i purchase and study

    - I have all the time in the world what would the most efficient use of my time be, to study for the CFA?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • I know the marriage stats are wrong / mainpulated for both whites and Blacks, where can I find the real data?

    Some time ago I was doing a report for fake statistics given out on the Black community and happened upon data showing that, not only was Black marriage stats were far better than reported, but all marriage data was falsified as reported. If I recall correctly, they committed "calculation fraud", like they took the people divorced that year, vs the people married that year, which are two very low numbers, compared to everyone married. This gives an inflated value to divorce.

    I cannot find that data any longer in searches. Can someone help me?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • What are the real Minimum Wage worker stats?

    There is lot of talk about minimum wage and raising it. I cannot find real stats on minimum wage laborers.

    1. what percent of laborers represent minimum wage? I've "heard" it was only 1%

    2. how long do minimum wage workers even stay at minimum wage?

    3. what age groups represent minimum wage workers?

    I'm studying finance, which has economics, but it doesn't cover such things.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Can you have a high interest pay out local bank?

    If I started a local bank or credit union, could I make my CDs and savings account pay out a higher interest rate, while my lending be strict and high as well?

    For instance:

    - for good to stellar credit, home loans with an interest rate of 10% requiring 20% deposit and a non-interest bearing offset account, with 10% of the mortgage in it

    - for poor to middle credit, home loans with an interest rate of 10% requiring 30% deposit and a non-interest bearing offset account, with 10% of the mortgage in it

    - for those unable to discipline themselves officers can create two savings accounts for them, which they deposit money into, that they cannot touch for a number of years, to accumulate the deposit and offset account, and a track record of making payments.

    ( Not everyone who has bad credit has no money )

    A lot of "poor" people can make payments, and do so all the time. Brokerage firms do this all the time for would be investors. You pay into your brokerage account, until you meet the minimum requisites and then you start trading.

    The point is to make a very attractive savings & loan / credit union, outside of the federal reserve thumb, that is for the local market, and works with most people in the local market.

    The beauty of the offset account allows the lendee the ability to pay off the entire mortgage much faster and for far less than a traditional mortgage. It is truly a win win situation.

    Is this a viable model? You may make suggestions about the interest rates.

    4 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • I Need a Man's TV show.?

    I need a suggestion for a tv show or shows, within the past 20 years that meets the following cirteria:

    - no women in charge [ meaning, no police chief female; female mayor; female karate instructor; female samurai (don't laugh, i've seen it); female executioner; female sharp shooter in WWII (again, don't laugh, i've seen it); female pirate ship captain; female knight in full plate armor; female super hacker ]

    - no mysandry [ female punching men; female insulting men; female making men look bad and / or stupid; female appearing 10 times smarter, stronger, faster than men ]

    - no over the top violence [guts spilling out, blood gushing out]

    - male lead [ in case someone wanted to suggest lassie or something other than a male actor ]

    - one of these genres in this order of importance: 1. fantasy 2. sci-fi 3. comedy

    - semi-intelligent [ example, none of this: they find a body stab, the stab wound could only have been done by a left-handed person, the only left-handed person in the whole show was shown writing left handed in the opening scene]

    - no tremendous plot holes [ a plot hole is like: "Elizabeth is a witch"; and the elizabeth character never casts a witch spell. ]

    - no bad writing and direction [ 3 werewolves stand in human form, not moving, while a 90lb chick shoots them with a boy and arrow for 5 solid minutes from 40 yards away ]

    - no hidden agendas [ like one character saying, "oh Israel is great"; or "I can't get enough of Pepsi" ]

    - each episode doesn't have to have a happy ending [ I'm not 3 years old ]

    - no gratuitous sex [ for example: "oh no we're surrounded by 10ft tall space mutants that spit acid and are technologically superior to all of mankind, let's have sex right here and now"]

    Please tell me the show or shows you recommend and why [ as in why does it fit the above list ]

    7 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • What's the name of this electronica song?

    What is the name of the song that plays at the beginning of this video:

    artist / title / etc


    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Am I just too chicken for wholesaling real estate?

    I have all the information at my fingertips. I have walked a few neighborhoods. I have created a list of homes I'd like to contract. But, I'm afraid if I approach the owner and put down earnest money, to contract the property, I'd end up with no buyer at the end of the month and the nightmares begin. Everyone says shoot shoot shoot, but I don't have not even 10 people on my buyers list, nor a real estate attorney nor a group of bird dogs. I'm doing this all by myself. Am I doing it wrong and waiting too long or am I being careful and trying to create a solid buyers list?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Can I buy at auction with a hard money lender on the phone?

    Are there hard money lenders that would be available to transact with me if I went to a trustee sale or auction at the court house steps? How would I arrange that? What kind of relationship would I need with them? How many deals would I have needed to do with them for them to do this with me?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • What should I include in my federal welfare magazine?

    I am launching an online magazine all concerned about federal welfare. I was wondering what all should I include in the magazine. I am using a WordPress magazine theme so all of the featured areas are permanent and by simply blogging and including the particular category it automatically updates on the front page. What I don't know, is what features to cover and continuously cover?

    What would the average person find interesting if they happened on the magazine?

    What would a patron [someone using the program] want to read about?

    What would an insider [ policy maker ] want to read about?

    What would an activist [ someone against the program ] want to read about?

    So then the question would be what all I should include.

    [ please note this is NOT a fashion magazine, but a magazine about a federal program that is very particular. Preferably anyone answering would understand about covering news and updates on a very precise program such as this. Thank you. ]

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • Is there a federal program to help investors invest in rental property?

    I am thinking that there should be a federal program that would help an investor who wants to purchase property for the specific purpose of renting out the property, be it single family or multi-dwelling home. Is such a program out there?

    Because real estate drives much of the economy, I am thinking that in some of these stimulus package that the government would try to help investors get people into rental homes, so that they can have a place to live. I have just not seen anyone that even knows, not in city hall, not in the country clerk office.

    I fear investors here in town would never answer my question. You know.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Are our food prices being artificially inflated?

    Subsidies kill and artificially inflate whatever markets they are applied to. I am aware of corn, wheat, rice and soy [ which is unnecessary ]. What I am not aware of is how exactly are the prices artificially inflated. Are there boards that agree, and collude to price fix? I know that the image of some farmer waking up at 4a.m. is false now, since the majority of food is produced by huge corporations. But, are these corporations twisting the government's arm and being allowed to inflate food prices, regardless of actual cost? With distribution and mechanization of big corporate farms, food prices should be falling precipitously, especially now.

    I also know that the current oil prices have absolutely nothing to do with current transportation, because all commodities, INCLUDING the crops, were purchased 6 months to a year ago and oil price used for that transportation are from at least a year to two behind.

    Does someone have a detailed answer to how and why these food prices are artificially inflated?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Can't You Opt Out of Social Security with a Bond?

    I believe somewhere, I heard that if you bonded yourself for around $100,000.00 you could notarize this and send evidence of such to the I.R.S. and thereby declare yourself exempt from both social security and state requirement for you to purchase private car insurance.

    I do not personally make $100,000.00 a year, but working on it, but I was listening to a program which claimed that if you file with the I.R.S. and bond yourself, you can be exempt from all socialism programs, now put forth by the government. The program also claimed that with the same bond you could insure yourself against any possible car collision liabilities, i.e. not be forced to purchase privatized car insurance.

    If you have any exact information, I would be much obliged, and please site your references, so that I might peruse it at my leisure.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Anyone remember the story of Oprah being denied entry into a men only club?

    Many years ago there was a story of Oprah Winfrey being denied entrance into one of those old boy network clubs. She called the club after being denied entrance and told them she was Oprah Winfrey and they let her in. I'm trying to find that story and the club. If someone could give me a link to it, and year and date i'd appreciate it.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • How do i show at new york fashion week?

    I see all these designers who haven't gone to school. I read their biographies of how they started out as philosophy students, hat makers, architects or even just bums. They get the idea they can design and voila, Halston is born. I designed 100 dresses in my book, have shown buyers, other designers and even shoppers who have all said "when where how can i have these dresses". I made my first dress and did a photo shoot and my model almost cried she loved it so much, said it was the best dressed she's ever worn or owns.

    The question is how do i go from such humble beginnings to showing on new york fashion week? Please be as specific and detailed and precise as possible. If you know a specific name of someone drop the name. If you know of a designer, hairstylist, planner drop their name. Please cite any references.

    p.s. I'm creating my website shortly and sewing my fingers off. I hope to follow Ralph Rucci as an American Couturier. The 2nd American Couturier :).

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago