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Is it ok for my ferret to eat cat food?

My ferret doesn't like ferret food, she won't eat it. So she eats cat food. I don't know how old she is and how long she's been eating cat food because I've only had her a year. I'm worried it's not healthy for her. I've tried different kinds of ferret food but she doesn't like it. And also is it normal for ferrets to play rough, like to bite. She playfully bites most of the time but sometimes she'll bite hard.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    After about 1 year in age, ferrets tend to imprint on their food. If they haven't been exposed to new foods before then, then they will likely refuse to eat it.

    Any transition or addition of food should be done over a minimum 2 week period.

    Here's a handy food chart that ranks foods:

    I personally have 2 cat foods in my mix: Natures Variety Instinct Duck and Wellness Core. I also feed 8in1 Ultimate Crunchy ferret food.

    High quality cat food is fine for ferrets. Look for at least 35% protein, 20% fat, and less than 3% fiber. At least 4 of the first 6 ingredients should be meat.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'd say try first offering the ferret kibble as a treat, put a little peanut butter on it, she wont be able to resist. Then start to mix the ferret kibble in with the cat food. Slowly start to ween out the cat food, she may be a little finicky about it at first but it will probably work. You don't want to just switch her all at once anyway, they have very sensitive GI systems so weaning into new food is always suggested. But cat food is no good for ferrets, its just not made for their bodies. Also get a good grade ferret kibble, i personally use zupreem and love it (you can get it at petco and most other pet stores). According to my vet if my ferret came in as a stray she would estimate him at 1 years old, and hes almost 5, and i credit that to good nutrition.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Cat food is fine. Before they started making ferret food, cat food is what they were all fed.

    Nipping and biting is normal, you need to train her not to.

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