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  • Has my blood type changed during pregnancy and why?

    Before I got pregnant I found out my blood type is A+ when I donated blood a few years ago. I'm currently pregnant and I've had to give blood and now my records show that my blood type is A-

    Why is this? Should I talk to my doctor? Is this normal?

    3 AnswersPregnancy2 years ago
  • Need help with gift selections, which gift?

    I have 2 gift ideas for my dad for fathers day and his birthday, one is a small slot machine because he likes them and also wanted a real one. And the 2nd one is a gag gift from Spencers that he can relate to. Which should I get him for each?

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays4 years ago
  • How do I change my default file opener on my computer?

    I actually chose to open all files with the wordpad when it asked what to open with, and when I open files using it, it doesn't work it has just random characters of the file. And I don't know how to change it. Could someone please help?

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • I like this guy but?

    He's cute and all but he's not all the way there. Not trying to sound mean but, I really like him. Should I go out with him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Hair tangling issue, HELP?

    For the past couple of weeks after I shower my hair is really tangley when I try to brush it out. I have really thick hair so I have to use a lot of conditioner. I've been using Aussie but now I've switched to Suave and it's still being tangley What should I do

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Gangs of New York worksheet help! Please! Thank You!?

    1.What does the hired fighter take from the dead man's body?

    2.Why does Tweed give the Irish soup?

    3.What two documents did Tweed say the immigrants signed as they got off the boats?

    4.What play did five points present?

    5.what does johnny tell bill?

    6.why doesn't bill kill Amsterdam?

    7.what does Tweed want from Amsterdam?

    8.what does Amsterdam get monk to do?

    9.what does Jenny have money saved up for?

    10.what happens to uncle jack?

    11.why are people getting haircuts and shaves?

    12.if you volunteer for the military how much bonus do you get?

    13.what happend during draft selection?

    14.why did the rival gangs meet? long did the worst riot in New York History take to put down?

    16.why are people rioting?

    17.what is the autumn diver?

    18.what was finally used to put the riot down?

    19.who is bill buried next to?

    20.what happens during the fire?

    Please and ThankYou!!!

    2 AnswersNew York City8 years ago
  • How to get smoke smell off of me?

    OK! I don't smoke, my parents do, and I'm tired of people asking me do I smoke and telling me I smell like cigarette's. The smell must be all over me, my clothes my hair, and I'm tired of it. I try to use body sprays and perfumes to cover it up but I guess it doesn't work.I shower every day, I wash my hair 4 times a week. The smoke smell is still on me. ANY HELP? PLEASE!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • What color eyeshadow would make my eyes pop?

    (metaphorically speaking) Which color would make my eyes look good? My eyes are blue and sometimes green with medium length eyelashes. I've tried every color and none make my eyes look good like people in magazines.

    3 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Is it ok for my ferret to eat cat food?

    My ferret doesn't like ferret food, she won't eat it. So she eats cat food. I don't know how old she is and how long she's been eating cat food because I've only had her a year. I'm worried it's not healthy for her. I've tried different kinds of ferret food but she doesn't like it. And also is it normal for ferrets to play rough, like to bite. She playfully bites most of the time but sometimes she'll bite hard.

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • What are some fashionable school styles?

    This is the first year my school is letting us wear regular clothes and I would like some fashion advice on some cool styles to try. Clothing, hair, everything else! And if you could include pictures. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • I need to know the title of this movie!?

    Please help, this has been bugging me for a while now. I've watched the movie but I can't remember the title. It's about a group of teenagers, and one of them happens to be the son of Jack the Ripper. It's quite new I think it came out in 2011. So if someone could please help me. Thanks:)

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What to do when ear cartilage piercing does this?

    I had my cartliage pierced before but it got infected so it grew up and like a year later I got it redone(in a different spot) it was just like a week ago and it was fine until today it just started hurting alittle bit at first so I put my antiseptic on it to see if that would make it better, but it didn't help so later on it started throbbing with pain so I keep putting antiseptic on it to clean it and then it also started to itch on the edge of my ear next to the piercing and it feels swollen. Also I can barely turn it through the pain and feels like the earing is going through my skin, I can't feel in between the earing and my ear with my finger like I usually can. I really don't want it to be infected. So what should I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Problems on the Sims 3?

    There's a glitch or a problem on my game. Like a bowl or a plate keeps sticking to my sims hands, it only happened once before but now I have the same problem with two sims in the same household. I've tried to get them to cleanup or whatever but it doesn't work so I don't know what to do. I'ts really annoying when it does that. Anyone please Help:)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • How do I get my sims 3 game to stop freezing?

    Everything was fine before but for some reason a person of mine is froze and I can't get him to move, but his everything else is still working but he's just stuck there. And also the toddler is frozen too but he's moving and talking but he won't move out of the spot. Please I really need help before they end up dying...and I don't want to restart it without saving or reinstall please help

    1 AnswerPC9 years ago
  • Why is there no sound in my Sims 3 videos?

    My sound is on when I take the video but when I save it and play it there is no sound. Any help?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Why won't my serial code work for registration for my game on sims 3?

    I registered the game on my computer, but I tried registering it on the Sims 3 website but it says code is invalid. try another code...I don't understand why it won't work. I tried the same code I used to downloading it on my computer. Can Anyone Help?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Why doesn't my text messaging work?

    I have a at&t pantech duo and for some reason my texting doesn't work. Just the other day I was trying to send a message and it said message can't be sent unless signed and/or encrypted and I tried again today and it said message can't be sent. I don't know whats wrong with my phone. It happened before to one of my old phones and it was my sims card so i had to get a new one and i just bought this one i have now so if there is anyway anyone can help me thate would be great.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • What season of glee is going on now?

    I'm confused...please help...I've seen season 1 and some episodes of season 2...but is there a season 3??? I need all details...

    4 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • How do you find seperated pictures all as one for your facebook wall?

    I know this may be confusing but I want one of those stretched pictures on my wall where the pictures of you are. And I was wondering how to find pictures that are stretched like that. Hope I didn't confuse you that much. I really appreciate if you can help.

    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago