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How to get smoke smell off of me?

OK! I don't smoke, my parents do, and I'm tired of people asking me do I smoke and telling me I smell like cigarette's. The smell must be all over me, my clothes my hair, and I'm tired of it. I try to use body sprays and perfumes to cover it up but I guess it doesn't work.I shower every day, I wash my hair 4 times a week. The smoke smell is still on me. ANY HELP? PLEASE!


I also talk to my parents about it, they won't do anything about it, and spray perfumes on my clothes...still doesn't work

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    spray perfume on your jacket and clothes, get leave in conditioners for your hair, you poor baby :( talk to your parents about it and tell them its bothering you.

    answer mine??;_ylt=Au...

  • 9 years ago

    Really - the best you can do is store your clothes outside like in a garage or a place where the smoke is not constant like at home. Wash yourself before you walk out the door and only put on the clothes just before you leave the house. Also you can try hanging the clothes in the bathroom with you while you shower (not in the shower obviously) let the damp air in the bathroom act as a refresher or outdoors on a clothes line to let them breathe before you put them on. Perfume on top of smoke is not pleasant and I don't think it solves a thing. You can also try putting them in the dryer with a dryer sheet just before you wear them. Sorry - it's a bad problem to solve.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Tell them to smoke outside.. When you wash your clothes let them soak in warm to hot water with detergent for about 30 minute then when they're done washing put them in the dryer with fabric softener sheets and then the next day when you're getting ready for school get the clothes out of the dryer.. This will prevent them from smelling like smoke and will keep them out of the smoky air.. Get Pantene conditioner and use it as a leave in condition after you wash your hair so it will smell like conditioner .. And for your body use scented lotion when you get out of the shower and before you go to school.. And then just add some of the same smelling perfume before you go to school

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