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Gangs of New York worksheet help! Please! Thank You!?

1.What does the hired fighter take from the dead man's body?

2.Why does Tweed give the Irish soup?

3.What two documents did Tweed say the immigrants signed as they got off the boats?

4.What play did five points present?

5.what does johnny tell bill?

6.why doesn't bill kill Amsterdam?

7.what does Tweed want from Amsterdam?

8.what does Amsterdam get monk to do?

9.what does Jenny have money saved up for?

10.what happens to uncle jack?

11.why are people getting haircuts and shaves?

12.if you volunteer for the military how much bonus do you get?

13.what happend during draft selection?

14.why did the rival gangs meet? long did the worst riot in New York History take to put down?

16.why are people rioting?

17.what is the autumn diver?

18.what was finally used to put the riot down?

19.who is bill buried next to?

20.what happens during the fire?

Please and ThankYou!!!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've got to be kidding me.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Do your own homework.

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