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What to do when ear cartilage piercing does this?

I had my cartliage pierced before but it got infected so it grew up and like a year later I got it redone(in a different spot) it was just like a week ago and it was fine until today it just started hurting alittle bit at first so I put my antiseptic on it to see if that would make it better, but it didn't help so later on it started throbbing with pain so I keep putting antiseptic on it to clean it and then it also started to itch on the edge of my ear next to the piercing and it feels swollen. Also I can barely turn it through the pain and feels like the earing is going through my skin, I can't feel in between the earing and my ear with my finger like I usually can. I really don't want it to be infected. So what should I do?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try sea salt. It has helped with all of my piercings.

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