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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

How many of the Democrat segregationists, who voted against the Civil Rights Act, changed parties?

There were 21 Democrat senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights act.

I'm sure you may have heard the "story" about changing parties, and Democrats becoming Republicans. But how many actually changed to the Republican party?


The answer is "1", Strom Thurmond. That's it.

All this BS being blown up our Azz, all this time, to hide the Democrats racist past

Update 2:

Yes, there was Nixon's Southern strategy, but there really wasn't a switch of parties, was there?

The fable went something like this...All the Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights act switched parties. That's demonstrably untrue.

As for the Democrats being the party of Civil Rights...I have to challenge that.

They've become the party of dependence, the plantation owners, keeping a permanent underclass in place, buying their votes; and paying them back with failed social programs and failing schools

Republicans, on the other hand, are "Still" the Civil Rights champions, standing up to tyranny and fascism; standing up to those who would deny religions of their rights, of their freedom of speech and conscience.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks for clearing up a few Leftist lies.

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond, off the top of my head.

    Facts are handy, but without context, they can be misleading.

    It is true that prior to Nixon, politicians who favored segregation and were against civil rights for blacks, aligned themselves with, and were, democrats. Trent Lott, for example, was a proud democrat in those days.

    It was around the time of Nixon that the Republican Party started to embrace these views in an effort to attact this base of voters. The Democratic party likewise started to embrace a more pro-civil rights platform. During this time Trent Lott, for example, switched parties and became a Republican.

    Over the next few decades, the transition became complete, and the roles were reversed.

    No one would dispute today that the Democratic party is more 'pro civil rights' than the Republican party. Otherwise, they would not be getting something like 80% of the black vote and a majority of the female vote.

    It is not the party which makes the politicians, it is the politicians which make the party.

    In 1950, pro-civil rights politicians found a home in the Republican Party. Today, those same politicians find their home in the Democratic party.

    As party platforms drift away from the views of certain segments of their voters, they'll nevertheless try to retain those old voters (and politicians) for as long as they can.

    People who don't follow the changing policies and platforms of their own party are at risk of voting for policies they don't agree with."

  • 9 years ago

    You do realize there was several years between the Civil Rights Act and Nixon's Southern Strategy? Not to mention the change didn't happen overnight. A lot of them retired before it was over.

    If you are really trying to claim the parties never switched positions, well which party do confederate flag waving rednecks support now?


    What really matters isn't the few politicians in Washington. The entire racist southern Democrat voting population switched parties. Half of Republicans in Mississippi think interracial marriage shouldn't be legal.

    That has a profound impact on policy. Republicans only champion their rights over everyone else. They want their religion enshrined in government policy and forced on everyone else.

  • Those that didn't switch lost their seats to Republicans. It's the voters that switched.

    In a large nationwide survey of employed whites without college, it was found that for every Republican vote in the North, there were two Republican votes in the South. The white trash crackers took off their KKK sheets, but hung them in the closet. Just in case.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    seeings how that was 50 years ago & it was a Democratic President pushing it and the republicker party has carried the south ever since..

  • 9 years ago

    Feel free to come up with a point to your question any time you like.

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