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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Now that Obama is clearly losing, will the media start an all out attack on Romney and Ryan?

After all, the mainstream media is just an extension of the DNC


Public polls don't mean much. Internal polling, which will not be publicly released, is what campaigns act on. And Obama is obviously getting desperate. He is losing and losing big

I expect the Media to go on full attack mode soon, maybe right after Tampa

Update 2:

NBC News might as well change their name to Pravda. That's how they act. Cover for the party, attack all political opponents.

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would not doubt it. Obama' and his camp set the tone for one of the dirtiest, and nastiest campaigns I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. The media is definitely working for. this administration

    Perhaps Paul Kugman and Bill Maher will lead the way, and media matters continues to twist and spin their lies, and hate for FOX news.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Projection is a mind game many extremists use to justify their own questionable behaviour by identifying the same actions in others. I learned about it in medical school thirty years ago. I have seen it in today's Republican extremists.

    For example, because Fox News is an extension of the Republican Party the right wing justifies its built in bias by accusing the entire media of favouring the Democrats. This just is not true. MSNBC is as pro Democrat as Fox is Republican but the majority of news outlets actually make an effort to present both sides fairly.

    Sometimes that is hard because the incident being reported is so outrageous. When a Republican like Representative Akin sticks his foot in his mouth it is hard for an objective reporter not to point it out. This is equally true of Democrats, as when Bill Clinton denied being seduced by Monica Lewinsky. Your assertion that the media has an inherent bias is wrong. They cannot be blamed for depicting an extremist as such when his behaviour justifies it.

    As for whether President Obama is clearly losing, what is your source on that? Most of the polls show him ahead of Mitt Romney by double digits, especially with women and seniors.

    My considered medical diagnosis is that you are projecting your own behaviours on your opponents. If you want a second opinion, your mother dresses you funny!

  • 9 years ago


    ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN, NY Times, The Democratic Party, The Democratic White House ... are all one unit.

  • 9 years ago


    Is that why Obama is leading in 4 of the 6 major polls?

    And is that why Obama is leading in 10 of the 12 'swing states'?

    It seems the VP pick of Ryan has done little to give Romney any kind of bump as hoped.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    HA HA HA!!! You cons are krazy as a bed bug. Mittens and Lyin' Ryan should consider themselves lucky to carry as many as the ten most bigoted states come November. It will be an Obama landslide.I will check what the Vegas oddsmakers are saying, if I felt like bothering with it. If you are confident as you say, place your bet now. Ha Ha!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Obama is winning the electoral college 237 to 191. Only a Republican would say that means he is loosing.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Of course. Obama can't run on his accomplishments, so he must attack, even if it's lies. Dumb people will believe it because after-all, it can't be on tv if it's a lie, and our Prez. would never ever lie. LOL !!!

  • yes

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    not yet. we will wait until the last minute. then strike with the power that is the free press. power to the people !

  • 9 years ago

    Wrong! the correct abbreviation is nwo... not your dnc you get it?

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