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what is the biggest tire i can fit 69 camaro?

i have 295/50 15 BFG's on 10 in rims,[I didnt do it!],,,,id like to keep the nice Pacer rims but get a tire to fit under the sheet metal,,,current tires require air shocks and still scrape on Z 28 type corners.,tire rack sez 205 /70,14s,fit fine lol and yahoo spellin wants to change my camaro to a camry,,

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You could probably get up to 225/70 15s. Probably.

  • 9 years ago

    I think Camry's only went back to 1980... what does Y answers know, right?

    I had a 68 Camaro with 235/60R15. Personally, I wouldn't have gone bigger or wider. I liked the tire, the size. I really enjoyed them. My neighbors hated the sound of them... lol

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