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tinted car windows. illegal or not?

I was stopped by the traffic cops late night at london bridge for driving with illegal tints. A test machine was used and the results came out 20. He issued me a ticket (£30) stating with the offence no. 003 and told me to remove the tints on my own time and if I do not do so it 3points on my licence the next time he sees me.

Do I really have to remove the tints because if It was illegal im sure i would have to remove the tints on the spot or being issued with a 10 days notice to return the vehicle to a police station with out tints.

Ive had my tints for a very long time n I had many many many traffic cops behind me, next to me, road blocks etc but never got pulled for that.

These feds had nothing better to do. His colleague was using the speedometer checking car speed at 2.30am n there wasnt even cars around too tuff lol

10 Answers

  • Rudy
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they are illegal.

    What police do is they put the warning and ticket on file, the newer police vehicles have an auto scan computer/cameras. For the couple of years the police will immediately pop up your tinting ticket once the camera reads your license plate, if you have illegal tints you can bet that your going to be screwed over. As far as I have read, they will add points and tow your vehicle to an impound lot.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, they can certainly demand that you remove the tints from the front windows as this reduces your vision, particularly at night. I'm surprised that they let you drive off without taking the tint off there and then as they simply peel off. I've never seen a heavily tinted windscreen but I can guess that someone has had one treated that way.

    The fact that you've had them on for a very long time is very fortunate for you. You were bound to be told sooner or later. The reason "these feds", I assume you mean the police, do this is because they see too many accidents where drivers simply say "I didn't see the other car/pedestrian/truck as it was dark" and then they have to pick up the pieces. It's not a nice part of their job, believe me.

    The tint is no problem on rear windows however.

  • 9 years ago

    A SMART person follows the advice of law enforcement officials. Like it or NOT.

    Someone like YOU, sits around debating whether they (law enforcement officials) are maybe right or maybe wrong, gets ANOTHER ticket, THEN sits around whining about cops having "nothing better to do"

    UHHHHH, if you would rather they find something better to do than do their JOB, what would that be?

    OH, if they just sat around doing NOTHING, you would complain about THAT too.

  • 9 years ago

    "These feds had nothing better to do." <--- Speaks a million words regarding your attitude.

    Leave them on but you WILL be given 3points next time the police see you as your vehicle will have a marker on it now to check next time it is seen.

    They are illegal and it doesn't matter what your sure of as the law is above your ideas.

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  • 9 years ago

    He gave you advice to remove the tinted film on your window, if you do that's the end of the matter. However if you don't and are caught again you will get another fine and 3 points. The choice is yours.....

  • adrian
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    the law requires

    75 per cent of light through the front windscreen

    70 per cent of light through the front side windows

    the 20 is the % of light coming through by the sounds of it but the cops are also in the wrong they should of told you to take it off there and then because the amount of light passing through is so little

  • 9 years ago

    Theyre only legal if the back windows are tinted and must let a certain amount of light through. Your not allowed them in the front.

  • fred35
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Oh get them removed. Who wants to go around looking like a chav in a Nova.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hi Marcus

    I really dont know the answer for that question but hopefully someone will answer soon here

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it depends,

    too dark and it is illegal and light tints are ok

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