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I got my GCSE Results today, Can redo my coursework to improve my grade?

I was predicted an A* in my OCR Additional Science (Gateway Science Suite ) gcse. In my Series 3 Exam I got 95 UMS out of 100. In my Series 4 exam I got 86 out of 100, which averages my result to just about an A* but my coursework was originally an A* but in moderation I went down an A which gave me the overall result of A

I know I can't resit the exam because the last exam was in June 2012, after that the specification expired so I was wondering if I could go back to school in September and redo my coursework and get it resubmitted to the OCR exam board, can you guys tell me if I can do that?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    You could maybe get your coursework remarked? If all your school's marks went down due to moderation but yours wasn't one that they checked, yours might be worth more marks. Ask at your school tomorrow if this is possible.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly performed, you probably did properly. im in year 10 and have been given my a million/2 gcse grades immediately i had.. media - A sociology - D biology - B chem - A physics- A widely used technology x2 - A + A* philosophy - B and Ethics - A im dreading maths next year aha :/

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