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  • Any recent a level chemistry or physics or biology related news?

    I need to write a research paper on a recent a level chemistry or physics or biology related news article, any ideas?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Could it be Dyslexia?

    I'm a 17 year old girl who's in year 12 now. For the past for years especially, i feel like i'm having difficulty with numbers and words, i have a really bad habit of changing + to - and if the number was 87, i would change it to 78 without realizing, this is a massive problem in my exams because i have to check my work so many times to make sure i haven't made these stupid mistakes and with words my problem is that i end up joining to words together when typing and i won't even realise and if i change would when writing unintentionally for example, instead of writing equal i would end up writing equilibrium. I did my gcses last year and got 4A* and the rest As and the exams i got an A in was a matter of 2-6 UMS and i was happy with my results but i felt like my problem in those exams was my concentration, in long exams like english language where the paper is 2 hours long, i lost focus after 1 hour 30 minutes and found hard to maintain my concentration. I'm going to be doing my AS exams soon and I'm studying subjects where i make these mistakes. I was just wondering if it could be something like dyslexia? what do you guys think?

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • 10 POINTS!!! Cool Chemistry/Physics Topics for a research paper?

    Well, I'm a 17 year old year 12 student and i have to write an 3000 word essay and a presentation on any topic in science. I want my essay to be on Chemistry or Physics.

    So far I've researched Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, but i don't want my essay to be on something thats so mainstream quantum physics. But, my take on this was going to be explaining the theory and then suggesting how life being pre-planned and already laid out, there is no past, present and future, it’s simply just a movie being played and being a 21st Century kid, can I point out this idea using the idea of social networking sites as a pretext. Does this idea make sense or is it a little far-fetched?

    I want my topic to be something that revolves around technology and how we live with technology, do guys have any ideas with that?

    So any topic ideas that i can research and write an essay and do a presentation on.

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • How to do gas calculations and what out what gas and how much of that gas is produced?

    The question is:

    When 100cm3 of hydrogen bromide reacts with 80cm3 of ammonia, a white solid is for,ed and some gas is left over. What gas and how much of it is left over?

    NH3(g) + HBr(g) --> NH4Br(s)

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • Should I get my French and History GCSE Exam remarked?

    I'm thinking of getting my French Writing and History Unit 2 exam remarked because:

    In my French GCSE (OCR) I got an overall: B

    French Writing: C (79 UMS)

    French Speaking: A (103 UMS)

    French Reading: A* (72 UMS)

    French Listening: B (63 UMS)

    So my total UMS Score is 317 but I need 320 to get an overall A so do you guys think it's worth it for me to get my French Writing Coursework remarked?

    Also when I did my coursework at school my teacher had told me that it averaged out to an A/B but in moderation it went down to a C thats why I'm disappointed.

    For my History GCSE (AQA Specification B) I got an overall A

    Unit 1: A* (81)

    Unit 2: A* (81)

    Unit 3 (Coursework): A (51) ---> originally when I did my coursework I got 35 out of 40 which is 53 UMS (A*) but in moderation it went down to 34 out of 40 which is A (51 UMS)

    So my total UMS Score is 213 which is an A but you need 215 to get an overall A*, do you guys think it's worth it to get my History Unit 2 exam remarked with the hope of getting 1 extra mark to make the UMS 83 which will give me an overall A*.

    Also, I was wondering if I could redo and resubmit my science coursework (OCR Gateway Additional Science, this specification had it's last exam in June 2012) because I got:

    Series 3 (B3, C3, P3) Exam: A* (95 UMS)

    Series 4 (B4, C4, P4) Exam: A (86 UMS)

    Coursework: A (83 UMS) --> I know my coursework went into moderation and that's why it went down because when I had done my coursework my teacher had told me that it was an overall A* and that I had nothing to worry about.

    So is it possible to redo your coursework and resubmit it to the OCR exam board?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • I got my GCSE Results today, Can redo my coursework to improve my grade?

    I was predicted an A* in my OCR Additional Science (Gateway Science Suite ) gcse. In my Series 3 Exam I got 95 UMS out of 100. In my Series 4 exam I got 86 out of 100, which averages my result to just about an A* but my coursework was originally an A* but in moderation I went down an A which gave me the overall result of A

    I know I can't resit the exam because the last exam was in June 2012, after that the specification expired so I was wondering if I could go back to school in September and redo my coursework and get it resubmitted to the OCR exam board, can you guys tell me if I can do that?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Can you help me pick my A-Level options? (thinking of sciences + maths + one more subject)?

    My Predicted Grades Are:

    Maths Linear – A*/A

    Maths Pair Pilot (Applications + Methods) – A, A

    Core Science – A*

    Additional Science - A* - I had and still have got the potential to do the single sciences (physics, biology and chemistry) because I got 7A in my Year 9 test but I was stupid at picking my options

    English Language – A

    English Literature – A

    History – A*/A

    French – A/B

    Drama – B

    Religious Studies - A/B

    For My A-Level Choice I want to do, these following subjects for sure:



    Biology (still thinking about this)

    Is Physics really hard at A-Levels?

    But I’m not sure what my 4th subject should be (I want to do a fourth subject, so that I can drop one in my 2nd Year)

    I’m considering History (or English Literature) I really like it and enjoy but I can’t stand going through 2 more years of essay writing. Also, I kind of got put off by my Mock Results. In my Y10 exam i got A*, for my Coursework i got A. For my mock i got C, 1 off B. I must admit I didn’t revise at all for the exam and that our teacher hadn’t taught us the two new type of questions.

    Is History really hard at A-Level?

    If I do Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Biology, would that be too much pressure on me?

    I don’t particularly want to go into Medicine or anything but I was reading up on the Oxford Undergraduate courses ( I don’t want to go Oxford, I just think their website is really helpful) and I really like Chemistry, and don’t mind doing Biochemistry. I’m not sure about what I want to do when I grow up.

    I want to become a songwriter but that’s just a hobby and like a side job (I’m going to be contacting Song writing contact companies for that as soon as I’m 16) and I want to do something in the Music Industry and have this job in mind but it doesn’t require any qualifications. So with my education I just want to have fun and I really am interested in the sciences.

    Give me some advice?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • I have to do a rant for English. Mine's on spiders. HELP?

    I need to have five points so basically 5 paragraphs

    I've come up with two points:


    Egg Sacs

    what other 3 points can i mention?

    and how do i make it fun and exciting but scary at the same time?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Check my rant for English on Twilight **10 POINTS**?

    My Intro is

    Team Edward? OR Team Jacob?

    Don’t get me started on... TWILIGHT! All these crazy obsessed girls that wish they had someone like Edward. SERIOUSLY? A sparkling vampire! He’s a dull dead old vampire; the last thing he’ll EVER do is SPARKLE! And then there’s Jacob... the poor puppy that gets dumped! As for the hordes of ‘tween’ fans

    I don’t know how to end it? or improve it? HELP

    I want to end it with a 1 Line Sentence


    Thank You 

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can you help me pick my A-Level options? (thinking of 3 sciences + maths)?

    My Predicted Grades Are:

    Maths Linear – A*/A

    Maths Pair Pilot (Applications + Methods) – A, A

    Core Science – A*

    Additional Science - A* - I had and still have got the potential to do the single sciences (physics, biology and chemistry) because I got 7A in my Year 9 test but I was stupid at picking my options

    English Language – A

    English Literature – A

    History – A*/A

    French – A/B

    Drama – B

    Religious Studies - A/B

    For My A-Level Choice I want to do, these following subjects for sure:




    But I’m not sure what my 4th subject should be (I want to do a fourth subject, so that I can drop one in my 2nd Year)

    At first I was consider History (or English Literature) but I can’t stand going through 2 more years of essay writing. Then I thought about Economics but I read up on it and it didn’t really seem like the type of thing I should do. Now I’m really considering Biology.

    If I do Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Biology, would that be too much pressure on me?

    I don’t particularly want to go into Medicine or anything but I was reading up on the Oxford Undergraduate courses ( I don’t want to go Oxford, I just think their website is really helpful) and I really like Chemistry, and don’t mind doing Biochemistry. I’m not sure about what I want to do when I grow up. I want to become a songwriter but that’s just a hobby and like a side job (I’m going to be contacting Song writing contact companies for that as soon as I’m 16) and I want to do something in the Music Industry and have this job in mind but it doesn’t require any qualifications. So with my education I just want to have fun and I really am interested in the sciences.

    Give me some advice?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Im filling in my sixth form applications form, I NEED HELP! **10 POINTS**?

    I’m applying to this new sixth form college (opens in September 2012), in the application form they asked why I want to go to that college and this is a summed up version of what I’ve written:

    • When I went to their open day, I sensed a motivating atmosphere which was something I didn’t feel at the rest of the open day I attended

    • The fact that the top 8 private schools are supporting is a fantastic idea that I would like to be a part of

    What else can I say?


    They ask a question on my future career plans (I want to say a good job because the school’s kind of snobby but I want to apply there because) -

    1. Business – in the music industry probably an A&R and do some song writing - but I don’t want to say this job because it requires no qualifications

    2. Law

    3. Computer Science

    4. Finance – not as keen in as much as the rest

    The question is what career path + why

    I’m doing ‘a’ levels in:

    • Maths (GCSE Predicted Grade – A*/A)

    • Physics (GCSE Predicted Grade – A*)

    • Chemistry (GCSE Predicted Grade – A*)

    • History (GCSE Predicted Grade – A*/A) – I got A* in my Y10 exam but A in my coursework)

    And what jobs can I get with these 'a' levels (+ a degree)?

    Thank You 

    2 AnswersSpecial Education9 years ago
  • i have a small lump in my armpit, it only hurts when my arm's by my side, what is it? *more info*?

    I'm a 15 year old girl. yesterday i was pinching my arm just next to the armpit, and then in the lower centre of my armpit it started hurting, and it became a smaller than peasize lump. it doesn't hurt by arm's at 90 degrees, it only hurts when my arm's by my side. i think i've pull something and i'm going to the doctor once i get my appointment but what do you think it is?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • what jobs involve both music and i.t?

    any jobs that include both!

    2 AnswersTechnology10 years ago
  • do bands make more money or solo artists?

    which one of them makes more money, has more success as in awards and stuff???

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • i keep on coughing even though i've been to the doctor?? help??? :(?

    i went to the doctor roughly 1 week and half ago and he gave me parcetemal and said my cough was clearing up but i'm still coughing even though i've taken the medicine. i even eat those cough sweets to stop the coughing but they don't help much. i've been coughing for roughly one month now. plz help me :)

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • what does rock my heart mean?

    i wanna know what it actually means coz i wanna use it in my lyrics i'm writing

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • i've written some lyrics for a song, give me some ideas?

    This is it:

    title: I love you (why don’t you understand?)

    Everyday, everyday I see him walk pass me

    At school, at the cinemas

    All I do is notice him (oh yeah)

    All he does is smile at me as if ima stranger

    Boy why don’t your understand that I wanna be your girl

    I do so much for him to notice me

    Why don’t you understand?

    I love you, I want you

    do you want me to say that? (yeah)

    or do you just don’t understand what language I’m speaking

    lemme say it again for you

    in French they say “je t'aime”

    in Spanish they say “te amo”

    in German they say “Ich liebe dich”

    I just want u to know that I love you, can’t live without you,

    Me without you is like,

    A sneaker without laces,

    A geek without braces,

    A sentence without spaces,

    Why don’t you, (x2) your understand?

    how shall i carry on?? how can i improve the lyrics??

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • what does this romeo and juliet quote mean?

    “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love is as deep; the more love I give to thee the more I have, for both are infinite.”

    7 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago