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10 POINTS!!! Cool Chemistry/Physics Topics for a research paper?

Well, I'm a 17 year old year 12 student and i have to write an 3000 word essay and a presentation on any topic in science. I want my essay to be on Chemistry or Physics.

So far I've researched Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, but i don't want my essay to be on something thats so mainstream quantum physics. But, my take on this was going to be explaining the theory and then suggesting how life being pre-planned and already laid out, there is no past, present and future, it’s simply just a movie being played and being a 21st Century kid, can I point out this idea using the idea of social networking sites as a pretext. Does this idea make sense or is it a little far-fetched?

I want my topic to be something that revolves around technology and how we live with technology, do guys have any ideas with that?

So any topic ideas that i can research and write an essay and do a presentation on.

Thanks in advance :)

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As an alternative how about hydrogen fuel cell.

    Bit of chemistry a lot of physics and buckets of technology.

  • 5 years ago

    I've carried out many papers on controversial problems. A few i've accomplished with many features of the topic and plenty of knowledge are international Warming, Paying university Athletes, Gun manipulate, The Legalization of Marijuana, or if uniforms or no gown code should be instated in colleges. I have achieved tons of finding out on both sides of these problems and that i advise going to the library and utilizing the librarian, reading encyclopedia, or utilizing a trustworthy web supply (not wikipedia). Hope I used to be priceless

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