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I have to do a rant for English. Mine's on spiders. HELP?

I need to have five points so basically 5 paragraphs

I've come up with two points:


Egg Sacs

what other 3 points can i mention?

and how do i make it fun and exciting but scary at the same time?

1 Answer

  • Bert H
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rant | Define Rant at

    verb (used without object) 1. to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave: The demagogue ranted for hours.

    rant: Definition, Synonyms from

    rant v. , ranted , ranting , rants . v.intr. To speak or write in an angry or violent manner; rave.

    I hate spiders. I hate cobwebs, I hate egg sacs, I hate 'em all. I hate looking at 'em, I hate seeing 'em, I hate everything about 'em. I even hate those that like 'em. If you like 'em, I hate you too. I despise spiders, I despise cobwebs, I despise egg sacs, I HATE, HATE, HATE 'em all.

    (Now THAT'S ranting).

    (Ranting in fun:)

    Change all above 'hate' to 'love'.

    Change all above 'despise' to 'adore'.

    Source(s): author
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