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i've written some lyrics for a song, give me some ideas?

This is it:

title: I love you (why don’t you understand?)

Everyday, everyday I see him walk pass me

At school, at the cinemas

All I do is notice him (oh yeah)

All he does is smile at me as if ima stranger

Boy why don’t your understand that I wanna be your girl

I do so much for him to notice me

Why don’t you understand?

I love you, I want you

do you want me to say that? (yeah)

or do you just don’t understand what language I’m speaking

lemme say it again for you

in French they say “je t'aime”

in Spanish they say “te amo”

in German they say “Ich liebe dich”

I just want u to know that I love you, can’t live without you,

Me without you is like,

A sneaker without laces,

A geek without braces,

A sentence without spaces,

Why don’t you, (x2) your understand?

how shall i carry on?? how can i improve the lyrics??

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    you sound too much like a whinny 13 year old.

    try to be more original.

    your lyrics don't flow very much either.

    so work on that.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am not a good lyrics person but how about something like this below: '' how can u not trust me cuz i love u

    then think of u, but yur some fairytale''

    idk listen to more love songs or Taylor Swift

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe make them less vapid and teen-girl "angst"?

    Listen to some Joy Division and maybe it will help.

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