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Can you use a UK bus pass on Blackpool trams?

An elderly couple I know are interested in visiting Blackpool illuminations this year who both have UK bus passes and wanted to know if they could use them on the Blackpool tram system or not. I have looked at the Blackpool transport official website that states the current fares and day saver tickets but doesn't include any details about using a bus pass. Does anyone know if bus passes can actually be used or will they have to pay the ticket fare?


Thanks for your reply Quizard, I was going to contact Blackpool transport after the August Bank holiday but I thought someone on YA might know. Looks like it's going to have to be a paying fare then for the elderly couple then. Many thanks.

Update 2:

cymru am byth: That's not quite right because a bus pass can actually be used on the metro in Manchester.

3 Answers

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