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Peanut Palomino asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

What english saddle brand could this be?

It's an older used english saddle. It has a makers mark, but it has been almost entirely rubbed away. In one of the pictures you'll see it, it's green with a trophy in the center and a word "cup" to the right of it.

What brand of saddle is this?

2 Answers

  • Mady
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its a Silver Cup saddle! :)

    ADD: I was actually going to mention that also - that the tree may be broken - but I wasn't sure :)

  • 9 years ago

    I'm going to agree with Mady that it's a Silver Cup - here's a similar one:

    I mostly answered to point out that this saddle appears to have a broken tree. You don't get those creases/folds across the saddle seat when the tree is in decent shape.

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