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Lv 44,341 points


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Love my animals! I love to answer everybody's questions - from horses, to rats! I currently own two horses. We compete in Jumpers and Cross Country! I love my ponies, and hope to continue my passion for the Equine world into the future! Hoping to get my DVM once I get through school! ;) I also love to answer questions that anybody has about their ratties! I currently have four amazing little rattie girls. They are some of the greatest pets out there, and I love them to death! I think I have a pretty round amount of knowledge about everything I answer. I won't answer your question if I have no clue what I'm talking about! :) I try to help as much as I can, and give out my email as often as I can!

  • Professionals Choice boot users??

    So I just bought a set of the Ventech Pro Choice Boots and I'm having issues with them slipping... Could it be because they're too big? Too small? I know I'm putting them on correctly as I've used Pro Choice boots before but the newest ones (Ventech Elite's) are new to me...

    Any ideas what's wrong??

    2 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • GOPRO GURUS! Do I need a wireless remote?

    So I just bought the Wireless remote for my Gopro (Hero4 Silver) today...until my dumb*** realized I could use my iPhone to control everything on the Gopro. So is the remote neccesary?? My concern was that I wouldn't be able to use my phone in areas that don't have Wifi - but from my understanding, the camera creates its own connection? Can someone clear this up for me? I'd really appreciate it!!

    1 AnswerCameras6 years ago
  • Halogen vs. HID lights?

    So i'm looking into adding some lights to my jeep - originally I was just going to go with some KC spread hilights like these -

    But as I was looking around I saw people were saying how HID lights are much more powerful, use less energy and are all around more efficient lights, so I was checking these out -

    So my question for you offroad/light gurus is...are they really worth the $250+ difference? Or should I just go for the hilights? OR do you have any other light recommendations? Like Rigid lights?

    Thanks for any info!! :)

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Best California beach city for college students?

    In your opinion, what are the best beach cities to live in while in college? Trying to get a feel for what's out town if possible, younger population, close to the beach, reasonable cost of living (so not a place like Santa Barbara where rent for a studio apartment is 2K :P )

    what is your guys' opinion?? I'm thinking about Pacific Beach, which is close to San Diego State and San Diego Mesa...but not sure, like I said, just trying to get a feel for what is out there! Thanks for any info! :)

    5 AnswersSan Diego7 years ago
  • New Songs Not Syncing to iPhone 5?

    Okay i'm stumped - just updated my phone and itunes to see if that would work but my new songs still won't sync to my phone. My phone is syncing to iTunes - it backs up, etc. but it will not load my new songs.

    Any ideas?? Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • Breaking In Tall Boots?

    Just got in my Ariat Tall Field Boots and they're uncomfortable! :P I know they'll drop, what's the best way to get them to drop properly around my ankle so they don't rub?

    Any other tips to breaking these in quick are appreciated!

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • First time buying tall boots - need OPINIONS!!?

    So this is my first time buying tall boots online, because my Ariats just busted!

    Soooo I need opinions - which boot would you guys go for? Ariats or Der Dau's?

    Here are links to both on ebay..

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • What do you do after Undergrad school?

    I need to go to my counselor to discuss all of this, but i'm really curious...

    I want to go to undergrad. college for something in Business, that's where you earn your Bachelor's Degree, right? Then if I wanted to go further, I'd go to Graduate school for a Master's, correct?

    Anyone know any good business schools in California? This is all so overwhelming :-/ any advice is REALLY appreciated!

  • How to get video from computer to iPhone?

    Is there any way I can get video that I transferred from my camera to my computer, to my phone? I was thinking about trying to email them to myself then save it to my phone. But is there a better way?


    8 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Finding the Domain and Range of an equation?

    How do you find the Domain and Range in each of these?

    g(x) = 3x^2 - 4x + 5

    h(x) = (plus or minus, then square root) x-5

    Thank you!!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Best water for pet rats?

    Okay super confused here. A post started up on a forum I'm in and they're saying all these waters that shouldn't be given to rats because it contains fluoride - which is in rat poison! :O I've always given my rats filtered fridge water but they're saying that usually doesn't filter the fluoride out either....

    So I'm thinking that I'm going to start giving them bottled water - what do you guys give your rats?

    7 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Questions About College?! PLEASE HELP?

    I'm a sophomore in HS right now and my grades aren't the BEST, but i'm working on them - just constantly worrying about college and what not. So my un-weighted GPA is 2.8 and weighted is a 3.0. Which GPA is most important to colleges?

    Was also thinking about where I want to go (i'm in California) would I have the GPA, as of now, to get into a 4 year Uni? If not, what's the minimum for most schools?

    And what about community colleges? I know you can start there then go to a 4 year for your last two years of college, correct? I just don't know what the right path is to shoot for, and what's best.

    Any and all information is really appreciated - this is all so overwhelming! THANK YOU

  • Have you ever failed a High School class?

    I feel really, really stupid for letting this happen...but I failed my 2nd semester of HP Chemistry....

    Should I feel this bad? I know it's not the end of the world, but I can't believe I let this happen. I'm going in to talk to my counsellor about my options but do any of you know how I'll be able to make this class up?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Specific heat of Copper?

    The SH is about 0.4 joules/gram C. How much heat is needed to change the temperature of a 3-gram sample of copper from 20.0C to 60.0C?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Hydrogen-ion donor/acceptor? HELP!?

    Which are donors?







    Which are accpetors?










    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Cleaning Belly Button Piercing?? HELP!?

    So i just got it pierced 2 weeks ago and its healing really nicely! I was wondering if i could take the actual piercing out when i clean my belly button just because itd be easier to clean, or is that a big no no? I usually take the top ball off to clean the top and when i did the ring accidentally slipped out but i put it back in right away. So i was wondering if i could just do that from now on? Obviously i wouldnt leave it out too long to where the hole could close, just long enough to clean it! :)


    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Poem Critique? Opinions Please! :)?

    Not looking to write an award winning poem, its just for my English class and its the first one i've ever written so I just wanted to see what others would think. Thanks! :)

    Blood, Sweat, Tears.

    The fragrance of an Equestrian.

    Dedicated, Passionate, Proud.

    The attitude* of an Equestrian.

    We enter the ring,

    Ready to bling,

    Jump the course,

    With perfect force.

    My horse and I,

    Begin to fly,

    We are one,

    Under the sun.

    We place first,

    I want to burst,

    So ecstatic,

    It was complete magic.

    The judge hands me the blue,

    My horse doesn’t have a clue,

    But deep inside,

    He feels my pride.

    3 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Belly Button Piercing?

    Yay, got my belly pierced today! So I was wondering if I could clean it with saline solution (I used this for my cartilage piercing and it healed perfectly), or should I stick with the salt water solution?

    AND, how long approx. until I'll be able to change out the ring? Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Shirt ruined in wash?

    Okay it wasn't exactly ruined, but the pattern on it has gone and its now see through? Its SO weird!

    I washed and dried the shirt (per the label) and it went it with a subtle pattern and not see through. It came out with absolutely no pattern, very flimsy and VERY see through...

    Any idea what the heck happened??

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago