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Do I have successful claim to report to han resources?

I am currently employed at Subway. Well to my knowledge I am but I haven't been scheduled to work in almost twos months. I've called every week and my name isn't even on the schedule but according to my manager I am still employed and that my boss is trying to get me to quit. Before this I was only working once every couple weeks but when I first started I was getting almost 40 hours a week. Not bad for "part time" job. But a few months ago I wasn't able to come into work under any circumstances. So I called off 3 hours ahead of time. I've been told my boss HATES when people call off. But this was the first and LAST time I planned to ever call off and I figured she'd understand. But ever since then she's had a vendetta towards me and has been trying to get me to quit. At least that's what my manager says. Im not sure if she'd be willing to testify against her though on the account that would most likely lose her job. I refuse to quit until I find another job which sadly hasn't been easy but this woman is crazy. I have co-workers willing to join me in my claim and take her down. This woman is nothing but a crook. For example she doesn't give us our MANDATORY 15 minute breaks every 4 hours. She gives us 10 minute breaks if the store isn't busy and if we "deserve it". Also she has recently found a way out of giving us a mandatory 30 minute break every 6 hours by scheduling us for 5.78 hours. And I'm not exactly sure if this is illegal or not but when I tried applying for unemployment to supplement my hours I was told that unemployment taxes weren't even being taken out of my check. I took a look into my checks stubs and sure enough it was true. But I'm certain if it is mandatory or not..? Anyway I'm tired of this woman taking advantage of her employees. I am a hard worker and don't deserve to be punished for an irrelevant personal vendetta to which I did not even start. But I just don't know if us few employees have a successful claim on our hands.


I'm sorry on the titled question I meant "HUMAN" Resources

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Senior HR Manager, I recommend that you contact your Human Resources team. They should be able to provide specific answers on the questions that you have.For example, your state may not require breaks or lunch periods. Perhaps your company provides these breaks with discretion, but the practice has made it seem like a requirement. That may be easy to clear up.

    HR can also help you decode your paystub, and how the company pays into state unemployment. This is frequently misunderstood by employees, but the company is required to pay into the state fund. Unemployment practices can vary from state to state, so HR's advice is important.

    I would question whether you are truly still employed if you haven't been scheduled in 2 months. Unless you are receiving benefits, I would recommend filing unemployment and using your last scheduled day of work as your last day of employment. You can notify your HR department to let them know that failure to be scheduled, receive pay or benefits sounds as if you no longer work there, which indicate a release because you have not resigned.

    Sadly, there are a lot of poor managers in the world. If you are a good worker with a good attitude, you will find a place where you are treated better. Good luck.

    Source(s): professional experience
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I already answered your first question, but here it is again:

    Why are you even concerned about trying to make trouble for her? You obviously don't work there anymore, they just didn't formally terminate you.

    Employees never pay into unemployment, only the employer pays into that fund.

    Move on, it's over for you at Subway, find another job.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why are you even worried about attempting to make hassle for her? You obviously do not artwork there anymore, they only did not formally terminate you. workers by no skill pay into unemployment, only the corporation can pay into that fund. move on, it really is over for you at Subway, locate yet another interest.

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