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Death Penalty in the UK?

What do you think about the government bringing the death penalty back in the UK? and why you have chosen this view.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The govenment aren't "bringing the death penalty back in the UK" So there is no need to think anything about it. If you understood how our country is govened you would know that no nation that is apart of the EU is allowed to have capital punishment on its books. That's why Turkey (amongst other things) is not allowed to join.

    If you are asking "should it be brought back" then the answer is still no. It would be a step in the wrong direction for us. Resonabley thinking about it, the only way we could have the death penalty re-instated in this country, is to follow a system or procedure akin to that which they have in the USA, since the USA are considered the only non-savage nation to still have the DP. The system that they have however is incredibley expensive, and not particualrly good. Why would we adopt something that we know to be worse than the current system we already have? Logic tells us this is a silly idea.

    Logic also tells us that the death penalty is no more of a deterrent to those who commit henious crimes as life imprisionment, so why put the additional cost on the country for no extra gain? What we should do is improve the system we currently have, with life meaning life, and proper sentences for abhorent crimes.

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Thee are no plans now or ever to reintroduce the death penalty here in UK - in any case, it is no longer a matter of choice since the death penalty is outlawed right across the EU and ultimately it is for the EU Parliament to decide and they will always decide against the return of the death penalty.

    In the case of the two women police officers murdered doing their duty on behalf of the people. It is not a death penalty we need, but a tightening up of how we see things. In France and the USA they would simply not allow a person who is 'suspected' of murder to get bail and walk the streets to carry out another killing.

    If there is a problem then it is the law. In my view, if a person is 'suspected' of having committed a murder and is in police custody no matter for what reason, that person should not be allowed any bail.

    In other words, the law should be there to protect the people and not just the liberty of the individual, however important that may be to the bleeding heart liberals among us.

    No I'm not a Conservative, I am instead a ruthless member of the Working Class who wants justice for all and not just for criminals.

    Let's do it then!

    As Kieth Vaz MP said on TV today, any debate on the death penalty is a matter for Parliament. He's right there.

    I'm entirely opposed to the death penalty and this subject would not have arisen were it not for Norman Tebbit who most of us probably thought was dead.

  • Apart from it being illegal for them to do this (European court has banned death penalty in Europe and this is a higher court than the individual nations national courts, so must be followed)...

    Every time there has been a horrific murder or other crime some people will suggest the use of the death penalty.

    I disagree with the punishment - it is a poor way of dealing with a problem in society and can be more costly than traditional life imprisonment. In the USA there have been cases of people admitting to murders and even committing them just to be put on death row, this is not good. The legal process for death penalty is lengthy and expensive and raises many false hopes on the inmate.

    There is no humane way to kill peolpe - there was an article on Yahoo yesterday about a prisoner being too fat to be executed by lethal injections, electrocution is painful and can take too long, beheading and firing squad humiliating in the final moments, and hanging is done purely for the spectacle of the on lookers (remember Sadam Hussein?). Each method has its faults and failings and non of them are guaranteed to work as they should every time.

    So no, it won't happen and it shouldn't happen.

    As for the other answer suggesting that the laws should be changed to fit in with a religious view, this is equally flawed - the law of the land and the rules of a religion should be very seperate. Laws of land should apply to everyone equally. Religious laws are for followers of a lifestyle and so canmake their own rules to follow but not impose them on every one else

  • 9 years ago

    I believe that the death penalty is morally justified, if someone takes a life in cold blood they should be prepared to face the consequences. (That includes paying with their own) However, There have been cases where innocent people have been wrongfully put to death. Putting an innocent citizen to death debunks the whole point of capital punishment as the perpetrator isn't the one being punished. In short, I believe the Death Penalty is morally justified, but I do not believe that it is ethically justified as there is a chance that there could be a wrongful execution and because of that I do not think the death penalty should be brought back.


    Vulpes 91

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No death Penalty in UK

  • me
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I believe in the death penelty. I believe know rapests, murderers, child molestors should be put to death so no other dies or is hurt from there hands.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    this gutless goverment will never bring it back ,like the others they wont give you a say , the best way to deal with the scum we have on our streets is to state if you kill you will go to prison for 99 years with no remission and bread and water , give the bastards a REALLY hard time for the rest of thier lives

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Its banned throughout Europe, the government has no intention of bringing it back, there is no debate.

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