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Lv 7
Kimo asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Putting dog to sleep?

My next door neighbor has a dog who I have been taking care of for over a year. (so he is basiclly like mine). I do everything for him including walking him. The only thing they do is let him in the house at night. I love that dog but lately he has been pooping in the house at night and I think they are going to put him to sleep. (he is pretty old) My question is is it comforting for the animal to have you there when they are being put to sleep? Or do they really not know what is going on? I am sure one of them will go...but I am highly emotional and I am not sure I can handle it. I would go for him because I want to make him happier in his last moments, but will he know? Please advise. I am already so upsset. Thanks!


Thanks all, it is not my dog and I would never put him to sleep for that. They are older and they don't want to deal with it. I will try and be there then...thanks!! It is too cold here in Michigan for him to sleep outside. I did by him a dog bed a while ago....and I carry it outside every day for him to sleep on,

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you love the dog, maybe you could ask them if you can have him. A dog shouldn't be put to sleep because it poops in the house. My dog is 14 and is still happy and has a lot of life in him. If you don't want the dog and they are dead set on putting him to sleep, yes, it is comforting to the dog to have you there. First of all the dog will be in a strange place with strangers and will be scared. You being there will comfort him. I hate to see him put down for pooping in the house. That dog may have several good years left in him.

    Source(s): Long time dog owner
  • 9 years ago

    I would never even consider having a dog of mine be put to sleep without me there with him. I've always been there for them. Yes, its comforting to the dog because you're there holding onto them.

    Having said that, if you can't be with the dog and stay calm, you shouldn't be in the room because you'll just get the dog very agitated. I know how very hard it is but its the last thing you can ever do for that dog. If you can hold it together until its over, you should be there.

  • Cat
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Yes I am quite sure that dogs are well aware of being put to sleep. I think it comforts the dog to have his loved ones around during the final moments. OMG I saw a family on facebook that had their rottweiler put to sleep. The family wasn't quite sure what they wanted to do with his body, so they brought him home and put him in the garage. The next morning they went out to the garage and there he was alive. They were very grateful that they had not cremated him after the vet put him to sleep. The dog would have been burned alive. The poor family had to endure another session of killing their dog. Isn't that a horrible story? Sorry I got off on the subject. I am highly emotional too. I cry during sad movies. I can't tell you you should or should not be with the dog during this time. It's entirely up to you. I have been with my dogs during their final moments because although it was horribly painful for me I had to be with them emotionally.and physically. I had to. I could not send them to the next world alone. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Sorry about the dog too.

  • 9 years ago

    Just like I'm sure you would want a loved one by your side, petting your hand as you pass so too does your furry loved ones. Perhaps they don't have the vocal means to tell you so but I have had to sit by the side of countless animals who were being put to sleep because their owners either didn't want to handle it or couldn't. It's not only heartbreaking to see but also hard to know they are just as scared and sad as I would be to be all alone in my final moments. I understand it is hard, trust me, but think about how you would feel being in the same situation and go from there.

    Source(s): 21 years as a pet owner, had to deal with hundreds of pet related deaths whether my own or others.
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Just becuase the dog had started pooing in the house, is no reason to have him put to sleep, there are many ways round this, either attend dog traing for older dogs who find it more difficult, or even get him a kennal to sleep in outside

  • 9 years ago

    Animals can pick up on human emotions. So when you take the dog to the vet, he might get anxiety and have an idea that something bad's about to happen. Try not to be sad and scared, act happy and positive then he won't be nervous, and definitely go in with him to "hold is paw" through the process.

  • Tee
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is best for the dog a loved one holds them or conforts them during the process. Just had to do this yeaterday. I held her until she was gone (took just a few seconds).

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Can you maybe ask the neighbors if you can adopt him ??? this way he wont have to be put to sleep !!!! he's old he might not have much time anyway ..and you seem to love him

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes its a good thing to be there the animal feels your love and will go happily :( I'm sorry for your loss

    Source(s): myself
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