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  • What are your ideas on yesterdays horrible tragedy?

    Yesterday in Newtown, Conn. A 20 year old shot and killed 20 children, 6 adults and himself. Now the government wants to take our right to bear arms. The shooter was definitely evil and psychotic, but guns aren't what made him crazy.

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Dachshund owners tell me what you love about your dog?

    I have had dachshunds for over 15 years. I live with three of them. I adore all dogs, but dachshunds are awesome. They are loyal, comical, loving, independent, intelligent , sweet and loud.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How do you cope with the death of your beloved dog?

    Today marks the anniversary of one of my dogs death. He was a dachshund. He was the love of my life. He ruptured a disc in his back and we had to put him to sleep. It has been 4 years. I still miss him and I know that I always will. I just want to know how others cope with thieir loss of their best friends. I know that grieve is a process that we have to endure so we don't lose it.My first child died many years ago. My mom died. . To me time covers the wound over of the loss, but the pain, heartache and loss can be ripped open at any time and felt anew.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Nursing question in a dog and a cat?

    I have a 4 year old dachshund that gets a corner of a pillow and nurses. He treads with his feet just like new born puppies do. My daughter has a full grown tom cat that does the same behavior. Interested to know if anyone has an answer on why they do this. It's not because my dog was weaned to early because his mother was very gentle and I still own her.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Nusing question in a dog and a cat?

    I have a 4 year old dachshund that gets a corner of a pillow and nurses. He treads with his feet just like new born puppies do. My daughter has a full grown tom cat that does the same behavior. Interested to know if anyone has an answer on why they do this. It's not because my dog was weaned to early because his mother was very gentle and I still own her.

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Wild robin with a broken wing?

    I was walking my dog and came across a young female robin that can't fly. I didn't want to leave her there for a cat to have dinner so I brought her home. Any advice on taking care of her until she's able to take care of herself and fly. Thank you any advice is appreciated.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Do you believe in karma?

    The evil and the good we do in our life is suppose to come back to us ten fold. I believe it does. Sometimes it takes a while. I'd like to know your opinions and if karma has come back to you for something you have done. Thank you.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do you love dogs?

    I'd like to know the reasons you love dogs. Most of us on this section absolutely love dogs. I was born a dog lover and have had dogs for my entire life. I am the mother of 5 children and 6 grandkids, so I have been living on this earth for a while. Please tell me your reason or reasons you love dogs. Thank you for your time and effort.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Does anyone know the percentage of animals that get out when their environment is on fire?

    I live in Wyoming and we have 4 major fires burning. We have so much wildlife. Probably more than any other state except Alaska. I am worried about the wild life.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Why are men so pissy at times?

    Other times they aren't

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • You know what I love about the people on Yahoo answers?

    When asked questions about breeding dogs you guys don't waste any time putting people in there place. You jump on the band wagon and tell the would be breeders not to do it. You tell them to spay and neuter their dog. I have already answered my own question. I just want to tell you that I am proud of you. Three cheer to you!

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • A psychological question concerning our dogs and us?

    One of my dogs died today. He was old and we had him for over 12 years. I understand the bond that grows between a dog and a human. It's a bond that is as strong as the bond between mother and child . At least it's the way I feel toward my dogs. I'd take a bullet for any of my dogs living or dead. They get into your heart and never let go. Their deaths are so devastating. They break my heart and leave this huge hole in my life where they used to live. Throughout my life I have had around 20 dogs. My parents were big dog lovers and they raised me to honor and treat dogs well. There were very few times in my life that did not include a canine companion. Usually there is a small pack of dogs living with me. What I would like to know is if my dogs deaths cause me so much pain why do I keep subjecting myself to loving and losing them?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What would you do if you gave your friend money to hold on to and she stole it?

    I was in an abusive relationship and when I got my income tax I asked my good friend to hold on to it so my husband wouldn't steal it. I lost everything I own my home all my children's pictures because my husband wouldn't go to work. I worked two jobs trying to support us, but I ended up losing everything that I had in storage, too. I gave my friend 3 thousand dollars to keep for me so I could get a new start. I have loaned my friend money before and she's always paid it back. She has a husband that makes good money and doesn't need my money. I have known her for nearly 13 years and we were very close friends. She's always been very good to me. I trusted her like an idiot . I asked for the money last month and she said it was in the bank and if I'd wait one month she would give me 200 extra dollars and that I could have it on the 16th. She called me on the 16th and said she would be at my home in 5 minutes. 30 minutes later she called me and told me that I gave her cash and I couldn't prove that I had given her any money. I was devastated that she stole my money and did this to me. I called her the next morning and got her voice mail only. I left her a message and begged her to give me my money. I have been through so much and lost so much. This money was for a new start for me and my 5 year old grand daughter. A few hours later I got a phone call from the cops telling me that I can not bother my friend any more. I tried to tell the cop what was going on. She told me that my friend had explained to her that she had given me back my money when i left my husband and that she had helped me all she could. The cop thought I was lying. Told me to take her to court. Well it was cash. It's her word against mine pretty much. On the 16th when she called I had the phone on speaker phone and another friend heard her tell me that the money was in cash and there was nothing I could do. I have no money to go to court. She knows and I know that she never gave it back. I feel so stupid for trusting her. My heart is broken because of the money and I truly love her and don't understand why she did this to me. She has a nice home and didn't need my money. Anyone have any advice on what I should do besides forget it.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Have you ever seen a ghost?

    If so when, where and how.

    12 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • I have a question for all you monarch butterfly genuses?

    About an hour ago I walked into the back yard to call my dachshunds into the house. Jack my youngest dachshund didn't come. I found him around the corner of the yard. Along with 15 to 20 monarch butterflies. They are still outside landing on dandelions. I live in Casper Wyoming and want anyone to tell me why they are in my yard. It's so cool.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • My dachshund has seizures.?

    He is a miniature dachshund. He has seizures about 6 times a year. They last for about one hour. What I would like to know is anybody else's dog suffers from seizures? What to do while they are having a seizure to calm the dog? I just sit and hold my dog while he is having one. It doesn't seem to help much. Also I know that there is medicine that can be given to your dog to control the seizures, but I have heard that the dog becomes lethargic from it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • abusive relationships?

    Why would a woman allow a man to abuse her? Why not just leave him?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago